5 years ago
[catch all] (cw: stress related trauma, nicotine, alcohol)
latest #12
5 years ago
So I'm kinda proud of myself bc I've switched to an ecig with half the nic content of my previous brand
5 years ago
I'd never smoked until around November of last year, but my previous job was destroying me mentally and emotionally so I started thinking it'd be temporary and just never stopped
5 years ago
like my coworkers were all great but the job itself was a "promotion" out of necessity (staffing changes) that left me in a place where I was SUPER unfit
Jejune Thots
5 years ago
Hey I'm super proud of u! Quittings a hard process and you're on your way <3
5 years ago
and yeah, my anxiety meds were doubled and I was diagnosed with depression within the span of a year
5 years ago
So now that I'm at a new place that's perfectly suited to my interests and skills, I'm slowly relearning how to react normally to shit instead of being hypervigilant and terrified All The Time
5 years ago
and it's weird bc I don't hate waking up every morning and that SHOULD feel normal but it doesn't yet
5 years ago
But yeah, trying to turn smoking into a "once in a while socially" thing and alcohol into a "not every goddamn day" thing
5 years ago
JejuneN Thanks love ♡

luckily I don't get like, any kind of withdrawal symptoms? When I visit my family I never take any with me, for example. But I like the comfort of it and having something to do with my hands on commutes and stuff is soothing
5 years ago
Also! just wanna say I don't have any like, negative feelings about habitual smokers. I just personally did not intend to continue as long as I did!
5 years ago
💕💕💕 much love!!!
5 years ago
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