I’ve been preparing for this moment for like. A year or something.
I don’t know if I will ever stop laughing.
Time to decide if I stick to my longtime plan to hold on to my grails and 4-star Fous for Saber Fran or if I give in and make my banana hyper strong.
i got 68 of them and wanted to mcfuckin die using them all
where do we even get four star fous
only 4 of each though, it's gonna take almost a year to 2k/2k one servant unfortuantely
Alas, it makes decisions difficult.
I've been planning to save everything for Saber Fran, but at the moment I have to consider the possibility of just 90ing her when I get her and instead get Ibaraki level 100 with the gold Fous.
I keep forgetting to actually get around to putting in the fous, but I guess I should start.
my choice was easy as shit
Especially since I just casually went for the 6 million first time forgetting some of the carps and taking drop CEs instead. I survived, at least.
damage still counts if you die this time thankfully
No, I love her and I only have one.
Oh, does it? That's good to know.
grails her to hold her close to me instead
you can't have mordred AND teenspeak mordred
I'm laughing because I never considered her like that and yet.
If it makes you feel any better, I gave into gacha lust after doing my single pull for Shuten (Ibaraki keeps talking about wanting to see her) without good result. I went 150 quartz into the idea of raising Ibaraki's NP level and I got three event CEs and an NP upgrade for Tamamo Cat instead.
Silvie told me about an Ibaraki interlude being released and I am moving my commentary from Discord to plurk since the commentary is just:


SHE’S THE BEST surely I can just use one grail to make a sweets tree for her.
I've only started this and my resolve to have enough grails to instantly take Saber Fran to 100 is wavering heavily.

I gasped and clapped my hand over my mouth. IF I HAD A CHOICE, I WOULDN’T LIE TO THIS CHILD, BUT I AM NOT SAD TO DO SO.


How could anyone bully this sweet child who would kill me as soon as look at me when we meet in Onigashima.


~ Ibaraki, upon entering my Chaldea, probably

tosses her a sweet

I want to hug her, probably requiring medical attention when she claws me for it.

I’ll follow you forever, Boss!!
(Yes I'm saying this about her raiding human cities but I don't know those humans okay)

I say this with love, Roman, but you shut your mouth! I will do whatever is good for this child!!!

.......OH NO.

This is slightly better on my heart since I don’t know Tomoe Gozen yet even though I want to summon her to be buddies with Medb.
And now it's...Ibaraki is caring for a fellow oni.........I'm going to cry.
ibaraki i love you 
Oh, interesting.
Girta...waffle........Ibaraki I don't mean to make fun of you for this in such a serious moment but that's so cute.......
Ibaraki is 200% getting grailed to 100 after this. The question is just whether I do it right now and have to gather Saber Fran's later or if I wait on Ibaraki except for the extra I have set aside. I'll have to go counting grails.
Like, the sweets loving is great. She can be real cute. BUT ALSO SHE CAN BE CREEPY AND I ADORE HER
Ibaraki: gives one of her two opening lines that I've heard a million times before
Me: literally clutches chest
man wanting to grail ibaraki to 100 is going to set a bad precedent for me and wanting to give many people grails
I'm looking at Liz and going "I don't love you any less Liz but how many grails am I going to end up giving out here"
ah, alas, there aren't any more grails between now and the end of the second part of the summer event since I've done all these reruns......
Hard decisions are in my future.....
........................I'm just setting things up between Ibaraki and Liz to get the final attack and I'm like. do I. do I just like horned children. is that my FGO thing. do I just want horned daughters.

Fuck I’m actually going to cry

Ibaraki I won’t tell anyone if you don’t if you let me hug you and give you
two sweets today.

My heart hurts

throws hands up in the air Fine, I’ll try harder than just some casual pulls to get Tomoe to my Chaldea, okay?

FUCK and there’s still an arrow left!!!

Right away, Boss!!
She’s the best.

You get it, Mash. I’m glad to see you have your head on right. fistbump

Did you smell their sweet foods

A chance to help Ibaraki
and thumb my nose at Gilgamesh (though in a more good-natured way in his more mature state)? Lead the way.

I should try to correct this conception but also I’m too charmed to do so right now.

So I don’t really have a strong opinion either way on whether Ibaraki and Shuten’s bond is romantic, platonic, familial, or whatever, and there are friends/family who like getting clothes the other look good.
But also I see the emphasis on Shuten’s beauty and go “ah, yes, two gals being pals, sisters from another mister.”

I love you, Ibaraki.

You extra fucker. You’re good in my books.
Awww, and he had such a caring look when he notes how we took care of Tomoe.....

Gold and garish and intense. The three elements of Gil.
I've forgotten what normal Ibaraki damage has been since she's been my main character for fighting Ibaraki.
And thus has like 650% bonus damage there.
break bar on NP turn turns him into archer gil
me, loudly: OH CRAP
(I had enough defence buffs, though)
(I still had the damage cut from Mash's previous buff on Ibaraki plus a second version plus Lord Camelot.)

And then Ibaraki beat him in two rounds.

I burst into high-pitched laughter at this timing.

She doesn’t have the greatest track record with them, it’s true.....

Shhhh, Roman, we were all thinking it but you shouldn’t say it!!
What a good child you are I mean, uh, evil and terrifying.

Disengage A?

Wait this just happened in Shinjuku

Roman, I love you and everything, but
you don’t have the knack for talking to Ibaraki.
Gilgamesh, I know what you’re doing, but the next time you’re an enemy in some event quest I am crushing you with Ibaraki.

Shuten, your treatment of Ibaraki is sometimes mean, but you’re all right.

Who could bully this face?


Sitcom accusations of infidelity?!


Ibaraki, this is my solemn vow. I will raise you to level 100. I haven’t decided yet if it is more important to me for Fran to be level 100 for her event or Ibaraki for hers, but one day, I will. I promise.

shoves the two of you in a room
I knew you'd grail her. Waha.

looking at how long it took me to finish leveling him and his still 4/4/4 skills

cosnidering this is ibaraki's room in setsubun i think we know where she is on the shuten loving scale
Shuten, please make my daughter happy.
relares: I didn’t notice this at the time, but: you could sense my weakness over time....
I think at this point it’s more likely than not that I bring her to 100 right now even though that will make Saber Fran have to wa — wait, I didn’t count grails from story. I should. Check this.
Since I haven’t finished Shinjuku and the next singularity is released before Dead Heat Summer Race and then there is one at the end of the race event............hmmm. Though then I’d have to wait until October for the last one needed for whoever didn’t get to 100.......
You are free to laugh once more.
She stole your heart last year already!!
It’s true, but I have thus far resisted trailing anyone past 92 so I could display my love for many Servants!!
But she’s done so much for me that I can’t stop myself......
(I mean, I can. But I don’t want to.)
Reports on the Ibaraki event rerun:
1) Ibaraki has been lifted to level 96. This leaves me with enough grails for the option to raise Saber Fran to level 100 during the Dead Heat Summer Race. She will get to level 100 by October, probably.
2) I finally took Brave Liz to 80 despite continued saltiness about her outfit, as I planned to use her on Lancer day. However, by the time I came to this decision and got the resources to level her past 70, Lancer day ended. However, it did give me the idea to defeat 3 million HP Ibaraki (my default this event) with a frontline of Lizes only.
On Rider Day, this went...poorly.... (backline Ibaraki cleaned up) But later on, I was able to able to bring the Liz frontline to victory with neither turn reset nor command seal. Lancer Liz lost her life, but Caster and Saber managed to finish things in the next round with their NPs, so the replacing Mash didn’t even assist with the crit stars.
I consider that basically equivalent to only the frontline of Lizes wining the battle.
Almost certainly could not replicate the success (despite Lancer Liz’s singular Arts card, I got a single Arts card from each Liz on the first round with all the crit stars and other great card selections), but it happened.
3) I spent most of the event steadfastly refusing to use the easy mode of Merlin and I only ever used Waver in the backline as I jumped around to different damage dealers, but I have done virtually zero rice ball grinding, so I decided to go with whatever was fastest. Except I think I gravely sinned with my choices in a meta sense.
Support Merlin using Hero Creation on Mordred makes sense from a gameplay perspective, but is this really who I want to pair up with Merlin for the first time I use Merlin since Babylonia???
shes gonna throttle him until he gives her a bigger dick than saber's
I laughed. She totally would. But what she does in her off hours is none of my business.