aegisforce is
5 years ago

Get in the party bus losers, we're going monster hunting
latest #141
aegisforce says
5 years ago
This is exactly the kind of situation Aegis was founded to help with so heck yes assume your character got deployed to this assignment if you want them there
aegisforce says
5 years ago
Jacob himself won't be tagging around much since /gestures silently to pile of other threads, but LMK if you want to do anything with him
aegisforce says
5 years ago
Also consider yourselves free to have your characters vote how they would ICly on the poll, Jacob won't mandate any particular resolution to the situation
aegisforce says
5 years ago
Jacob will want Aegis agents to investigate the source of this nonsense if possible- why did Lake Tahoe just now start experiencing this kind of phenomena? His main worry will be that Jeopardy's 'weirdness zone' (for lack of a better word) is spreading
aegisforce says
5 years ago
I'm keenly aware that the mods' last OOC post indicated this Swear-In would kick off the next and possibly final arc of OTO metaplot
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Darin did get some communication from someone in OTO about this
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
He and Allura got the same message hold on
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
For this Swear-In, an OTO representative has decided to test the waters with Darin. He will find an untraceable anonymous message in his personal inbox when he arrives at the Swear-In.

We need Tessie to discover what they have done. Sell her to the highest bidder. Only then will more info follow.
go rimbaud
5 years ago
the great lakes have been known to be full of monsters, but those might've been from the hornets
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Needless to say, Darin would look Jacob in on this one
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
I’m asking a few follow-up questions to the mods now, specifically if Darin can find out any info in regards to this eccentric anon. Rumors, anything involving more cryptids or anything else of that ilk before he makes a decision
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Though I did have an idea.
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
The note only says to sell to the highest bidder. What if imports outbid the eccentric anon then donate Tessie to the museum
5 years ago
5 years ago
rich benefactors u say
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
That’s what Darin would consider putting forth as an option
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
He’d be willing to put in his own money too. He’s not exactly poor
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Plus, if the imports put up a bid and win Tessie, they’d be able to work out what’s wrong with her too considering the varying talents available. If she’s ‘needed to discover what they have done’ well we’d be able to partner and share research
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
It’s the best compromise in his opinion
5 years ago
hahahaha very clever Darin
5 years ago
yeah everyone can assume Jacob circulated word of the Daringram so the whole team is in the loop, and they can circulate it to their own CR at their discretion
5 years ago
he's very obviously going to be against selling her to the clearly-OTO anon
5 years ago
I also had another thought - if anyone is able to calm down a revenant and talk to the, it could be an opportunity to solve some old murders and pass some leads to local authorities on the area mobsters
5 years ago
Deadass archie will just start crying if he finds out that plan DARIN IS SO SMART AND EMPATHETIC HES SO PROUD
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Listen, Darin reunited a raging Tiamat with its stolen baby to save a town he’s not about to sell Tessie to some anonymous bidder unless he’s sure they can be trusted
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
And honestly, he’d rather trust imports than anyone else
go rimbaud
5 years ago
now i kind of regret i picked earlier this month to retire the psychopomp, this could have been really embarrassing for kanaya and i missed out
5 years ago
LMAO good point
5 years ago
'psychopomp, what clues can you sense from these restless dead?'

'....thine query may takest some, uh, timeth' /suddenly portals out
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Does anyone want to ask the mods to see if the eccentric anon can be outbid? I’m waiting on some answers myself
5 years ago
but her Space sense could maybe sense out whether this area feels Jeopardy-esque?
5 years ago
I also like the idea of raising the import bid past the eccentric
go rimbaud
5 years ago
oh definitely
5 years ago
On the other hand, that OTO informant will probably see this as a red flag for Darin, assuming they're monitoring close enough to figure out what he's organized
5 years ago
but saving tessie is worth it
go rimbaud
5 years ago
the space in jeopardy is absolutely different, so if this is any kind of extension of that she could feel it out
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
no need for a red flag, the note only said to sell 'to the highest bidder.' It didn't say aaaaaanything about who that bidder had to be
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Darin will proxy bid for all imPorts if he has to just to show that he's putting himself out there
Sir Daye
5 years ago
George doesn't go here but she got the same message
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
I went ahead and asked on the poll page to see if the eccentric anon is able to be outbid or if he has limitless funds
5 years ago
Al will pour money into this, too
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
5 years ago
if we're able to get a non-capture, non-destroy option approved, we won't have to bid in the first place
5 years ago
though we might have to, like, guard Tessie from OTO poachers afterward
5 years ago
The modpost mentioned 'flat-out, unquestioning murder of an NPC target' :a I wonder if some people in contact with the OTO have another mission than obtaining Tessie
5 years ago
Based on the phrasing of the Daringram, I'd guess that we're currently dealing with the more reasonable 'Otis' faction of OTO or someone who wants to pose as them
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
I love ‘Daringram’
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
so it looks like the only bidder is the eccentric anon but...
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
"If the imPorts want to try to keep her...well. Let us know what that plan would be and we'll see about adding it to the poll."
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
also, in regards to Darin's research on the eccentric anon, he got this back:
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
"In his research, Tessie is the first legitimate rare creature to appear, so it is hard to say! The eccentric has previously bought things like bigfoot footprints or skeletons of other cryptids, but no live samples."
5 years ago
ask bruce to buy a fuckin lake he'll do it
5 years ago
Some information I got -- the post for IC contact isn't just for reporting in
5 years ago
We can ask the contact questions if we want to
5 years ago
Might help??
5 years ago
I say we go for the Bruce option
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Darin could draft up a proposal for a lake/research center so that he can buy the lake and maybe we can get a lab set up to run some tests on Tessie to see what's affecting her?
5 years ago
bruce also engineered synthetic mako for a shelke that was in the game a while ago
5 years ago
he used it to power his nanobatsuit and to keep persephone from melting a little while back
5 years ago
in case you end up wanting to utilize that, too
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
any idea how we would be able to transport Tessie to Wayne Lake?
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
I want to figure out all of the nuances of the plan before I go to the mods and be like 'so Bruce Wayne is buying a lake for Tessie so imPorts can research her and put her under Aegis protection'
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
and see if we can get that option on the poll
5 years ago
wayne lake lmkadg
5 years ago
bruce has a shipping company, so like if any other character doesn't have a power option or something you could always default to that
5 years ago
but i think redconfession mentioned something about being able to move tessie
5 years ago
you could also add that as proprietor of the lake and also funder of the justice league the league would also offer their joint protection afterwar
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Listen if you want to buy a lake, you can call it whatever you want. Darin's vote is for either Wayne Lake or Tessiepeak Bay
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
m could open a door in the two lakes as an option
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
would Tessie have to be herded through the door?
5 years ago
dead parents lake
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
That should draw a lot of tourists
5 years ago
So pacify Tessie through no lethal means, shove her through an underwater Door set up by M, and hope she's happy, healthy, and no menace to anyone in Dead Parents Lake which is hopefully full of fish - call it the Relocation Option and try to get it added to the poll?
5 years ago
just call it aex lake or something, after the chimera creature in greek myth that athena turned into the aegis
5 years ago
hey so lucina's icly getting an anonymous message saying she needs to get a piece of tessie
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
...a piece?
5 years ago
5 years ago
"They have gone too far. Gather a piece of the creature. They will come for it."
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
all the more reason to relocate her because we can take a sample of her so she can be studied
5 years ago
stroopwafelling she'll for sure show jacob and defer to his choices
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
but yeah, I think that's the best plan that has a shot of making it onto the poll
5 years ago
i like that option too tbh
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
and if that's the case, sign Darin up for team goad Tessie to the door
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
this'll be great, it's like fishing
5 years ago
that slayers episode w dragon fishing
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
just tie Darin to a pole attached to a boat and he can be the live bait
5 years ago
i don't plan on getting batman really involved in a post but if anyone wants to use this as further reason for cr with bruce or the league please feel free, of course
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
5 years ago
i know it was.
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
I'm so glad
go rimbaud
5 years ago
oh kanaya can already handle transport, that's what she do
5 years ago
whaaaaat the shit
5 years ago
uh sure Jacob will authorize nonfatal piece-harvesting, it goes without saying that wherever it goes is going to be tracked
5 years ago
could be good bait
5 years ago
let her take a tooth or someth
5 years ago
Yeah sharks lose those all the time
5 years ago
thanks boss this won't come back to bite us later
5 years ago
OKAY SO who wants to take charge of writing Operation Relocate into a proposal for the mods I CALL NOT IT
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
I can bang one out and post it here for review
5 years ago
i mean isn't it decaying anyway just wait for something to fall off
5 years ago
Bless you Ant
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Proposal to have "Save Tessie" added to the poll:

Because the desire to save Tessie, but also safeguard her, is so strong Aegis would like to put for this proposal to be added to the poll:

Since several members have received anonymous contacts in regards to Tessie,
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
the plan is to approach Bruce Wayne and have himpurchase a
body of water suitable enough to contain Tessie. Once the lake is secured, M and/or Kanaya will use their abilities to transport Tessie
from Lake Tahoe to her new Aegis/imPort secured home.
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
She will be removed completely from lake Tahoe, which satisfies the local authorities
and also makes sure that Tessie can be safely watched and studied to find out what is causing her illness. This also means that any imPorts
can join in on the research if they are of a like mind
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
and those who have been contacted anonymously can barter with whatever is discovered
through Tessie's examinations.
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
That's what I have
5 years ago
i like it
5 years ago
I like it
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Alright, gonna post it in my question thread
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
also going to add that members of Aegis will be responsible for securing Tessie so that it doesn't turn into a massive free-for-all
Amiho ho ho
5 years ago
this is lovely
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
even if "Members of Aegis" is just Allura on a speedboat with Darin tied to a pole hanging off the back of it as live bait
5 years ago
Allura suddenly went from "what the quiznak are you doing with him" to "100% in" just because she gets to drive a boat
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Darin won't tell her ahead of time for maximum hilarity
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
he's just going to invite her out onto the lake for a date
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
he'll say "we're going to do some fishing" and it won't be a lie
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Allura: Why are you tying that rope around your waist?
Darin: Don't worry about it /falls backwards overboard
I like it / late
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
This has been added as an alternative plan voting option, with this reflected in the main OOC text above! A plurk about the update is forthcoming.
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
I love how much flexibility and freedom this game has
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
God me too
Knucolas Cage
5 years ago
it's so much fun
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