[spoilers] playing KOTOR for the first time, having played TOR first, and it's like....
latest #25
running around Dantooine, talking to the Jedi Council, dude warning me that "those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"
like.... "in other words.... don't fall again, like I did before I randomly ended up on your ship with amnesia?"
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
I mean. I know who I am, even if 'I' don't, and you should know who I am, since you personally trained with Revan XD
I think they do know.
It's been an age and a half since I played that game, but I think this was someone's plan to rehabilitate.
Which is why they sideways don't trust you.
yeah, that's kind of what I figured XD
I'm just. super amused by how unsubtle they are
"you should ponder the history of Revan, so that you do not follow in Revan's footsteps"
you uh. mean so I don't do what I just did a couple years ago? XD
I was so confused when I first started playing like. I knew that the PC from KOTOR and KOTOR II were Revan, and then.... intro about 'Darth Revan conquering the galaxy'
and just..... 'uh, I've heard this story did a whole quest line on Dromund Kaas about it, then a whole DLC.... why am I picking up after all that?' XD
fffft "focus on your lessons, lest you suffer a fate similar to Revan!"
aaaaaabooooout thaaaaaat
>.> sorry y'all, I ain't playin' Jedi Revan
I'm playing Revan who uses both sides of the Force, since that's the Revan that's still known ages later
anyway, the Jedi (at least in TOR) are corrupt af, so y'all have no room to talk >.>
idk, maybe KOTOR Jedi aren't that corrupt yet
"YOU DON'T KNOW THE CODE! ALL JEDI MUST KNOW THE CODE!" he says, all but shouting angrily
and then leads into "there is no emotion"
uh...... buddy.... you've uh. got some emotion there showing
he leaked a little yeah XD
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