5 years ago
Interview with the dean of the law school tomorrow. I am so nervous and I am not at all sure what persona to use. Serious or outgoing?
latest #10
Done Owl
5 years ago
5 years ago
Yourself, but the best version of yourself.
Done Owl
5 years ago
Just show how and why you deserve it. Say you want to grow, not just into a fine lawyer but also into a well rounded person and that their school will will help you do jusf that.
dried squid.
5 years ago
Be yourself!
dried squid.
5 years ago
And congratulations on starting your law journey! I'm an attorney and it is hard but rewarding.
5 years ago
Best of luck <3
5 years ago
riaxc: Thanks. Haha it is ridiculous being so nervous. I love interviews! They are so much fun. I think I am overthinking. Haha!
5 years ago
kbrighton: Thanks, Nick! I will. I will smile ‘til my mouth bleeds. 😂😂
5 years ago
protestations: That is amazing!!! Thank you so much! Yeah, I can’t imagine being a lawyer is fun. But I imagine it is rewarding. That is what I aim for.
5 years ago
weefolk: Thank you!!!!
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