5 years ago
Hi guys! I said I would share the results of the poll I took on which bodies people are using the most. Here's the results! Needless to say, Maitreya is still #1 but surprisingly, at least to me, Freya beat out Hourglass. https://i.gyazo.com/014910fe8f5693587126f057435192f2.png
latest #16
5 years ago
There were only 536 responses but I think it gives a pretty decent idea of what people are wearing. At least for the type of customers purchasing Tres Blah items.
Gogo ♔ says
5 years ago
does this poll correlate with your sales data?
5 years ago
Gogo ♔ says
5 years ago
with clothes on, ALL THE BODIES look the same since 80% is alpha'd out lol
5 years ago
gogolita: I don't have a way of knowing what bodies people are using when they purchase my clothing since they're getting 5 bodies in the package. That's one of the reasons I wanted to know what bodies people are using the most so I can re-evaluate which bodies to support since my workload is pretty heavy at the moment.
5 years ago
aemeth: haha maybe someday the tide will change!
Gogo ♔ says
5 years ago
i bet with every new body release, clothing makers are crying on the inside
Darling Potato
5 years ago
You know what, I was starting to think Freya was overtaking Hourglass in popularity and your poll proves it. I mean I know it's a small percentage but still, just going by sales and hearsay.
5 years ago
oh here's the interactive pie chart https://docs.google.com/...
5 years ago
This thread has been going great, I want to thank the internet for some guy not bursting in yet and questioning Juju's sources
I buy your stuff cause you do freya
Uncle Flofituli
5 years ago
i must admit i'm surprised how high legacy body is!
Gogo ♔ says
5 years ago
the sample size is pretty small though, so like 15 people wear tmp or claim to wear it, even though surely before last month or whenever it was released, they were wearing another body
Kalli (& Tibbs)
5 years ago
I would buy your stuff, but my lara boobs are too small and the rigging causes the chests to go concave. I've come to the conclusion there are two Lara kits out there. one handles small boobs an the other has a base chest size of 35. Mine's 23 by default and causes problems with around 75% of Lara clothing.
5 years ago
i hope even with the small sample that you will still consider the vtech chest option, <3 people need more pretty clothes
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
I'm one of those tiny unlabeled slivers! :-D
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