Mister Anderson
5 years ago
so theres a chance that my VA disability rating could go up. this is actually a good thing because that means the government would give me more appropriate monetary compensation in exchange for fucking up my body.
latest #13
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
so right now I'm sitting at 30%, 10 for tinnitus because I was at the rifle/pistol ranges a LOT as a coach.
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
and 20 percent for my knee injury.
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
they recognize my back pain as service connected as well but have not given me a rating for that. what I'd like to do is have that re-evaluated (as well as my leg) and see if they'll give me a higher rating.
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
so i guess we'll find out in 20 years if it goes through or not...
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
although that's a half joke since technically it's my uncle in law that's helping me because hes now the commander of the local chapter of the Disabled American Veterans, which helps vets out with this sort of thing.
5 years ago
I'll cross my fingers that it goes through quickly
5 years ago
I didn't realize you had back pain
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/7MP0YKj2789JYU91Jyc28c.jpg https://images.plurk.com/YHVXewETebouVtI05Dpci.jpg
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
yeah this ^ is what was claimed/compensated the first time when I got out. now about 4 or 5 yrs later the conditions have progressed a bit.
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
I dont get back pain 100% of the time but when I do, like today and for the past couple days, i dont want to get out of bed. i cant turn my body fully. at times the pain shoots up the side of my spine through the nerves and muscles. and if I turn the wrong way its agony.
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
I'm almost convinced that I have some kind of hearing loss connected to my time on the rifle and pistol ranges and other loud noises
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
and as for my legs, they never since 2013 gave me an xray for the leg I injured and instead told me that I let the injury go to my head and that's why I walk funny. no, how about the fact that it was stitched up by a guy who was a. not a doctor and b. had never stitched anyone before.
Mister Anderson
5 years ago
so they gave me crutches for a day and then told me to walk it off. it never healed right and my body compensated for the injury in a way that has since caused more pain in my legs, hips, and lower back.
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