i think i stared at the plurk button for 10 minutes before i could hit it
she was such a sweet person. i always saw her as this little spunky ball of energy
she always inspired me to become a better writer. she got me into d.gray-man and i adored her photography
i know she was also super into homestuck too
I hadn't kept contact with her, but I'm really sorry to hear this.
honestly, outside of commenting on her FB posts now and then, i hadn't either.
yeah, i hadn't spoken to her in ages. i remember an illness but not the details. I'm so sad to hear this
I am so sorry to hear that. Thank you for passing on the information.
of course, dears ♥ i'm not 100% sure about the details on the illnesses but ultimately i do know it boiled down to cancer
i don't even know how to react to this but thank you for letting us know.
i was literally reading old adstring threads with her last week.
I spent the remainder of my work shift yesterday doing exactly that, pr
i was cleaning out my old musebox and i found some dumb PSLs we did years ago and i was like "oh i should reach out to cas" last week and then AJ told me about it this morning.
she was truly the sweetest person and so welcoming and gracious and got me into DGM too.
i feel awful for her family.
me too. I figured that if anyone could kick cancer in the ass, it would be her
one of my favorite threads with her is still sasuke's fight with tyki
--but also the time sasuke went fishing with tyki and Allen
and they all got sick lmao
rei and tyki was some of my favorite CR
tyki also murdered zuko that one time which was A++++
I loved reading their conversations, tyki and Rei

that rat bastard.
the time tyki told stories to sasuke to keep him sane after the dreamscape too
what's everyone else's fave threads with cas
rei went through tyki's dreamscape was an amazing one that i loved
she was just such an amazing writer and really took the time to think out her characters, and was the best freaking tyki ever.
protestations: yes!!! I loved reading her tags and getting them because they were just well thought out
kanda gave her chocolate as a late birthday present one year because he didn't have anything else lmfbkch
lena deserves sweets!! even if he was awkward about it
hobo tyki used to show up at the temple of heaven in adstring and make rei look like a horrible person because she'd kick him out and it looked like she was kicking out a hungry homeless person and not the piece of shit that tyki was