Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
[Code Geass] If you had told me 13 years later I'd be watching a 2 hour movie in theater closing the book on this series I wouldn't believe you, yet that's what I did today
latest #10
Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
It was like 4 hours of distilled geass/clamp bullshit and it was great
Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
4 episodes rather not hours lol
Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
but sure as hell didn't think I was still goddamn invested in lelouch as much as I was during that...
proxy ⚡
5 years ago
ya boi is back
Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
it was a happy ending for lot of people in it......... am glad
5 years ago
"Closing the book on this series".
5 years ago
5 years ago
Sunrise said they're using the movie as a preface for a new wave of Geass content.
Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
well it's a closed book on C.C. and lulu
Praise the Sun!
5 years ago
which is the true care for me...
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