5 years ago
weeks pass as dento has been training and taking care of Xeon. Dento walking to his room one night with a scroll knocking on the door Xeon its me! May i come in? hearing a clatter as he tilts his head
latest #622
5 years ago
he knocks again Xeno? I have the results of your exam May i come in?
5 years ago
another clatter is heard before xeno opens the door h-hello lord dento sire! Please come in! openjng the door
5 years ago
he nods walking in seeing the room clean but clearly lived in as he looks around they gave you a good room im glad how are you
5 years ago
Tired...very tired sire. I appreciate the training but my body aches
5 years ago
he blinks brining him to his bed having him sit sitting in front of him putting a hand on his chest hold still for me
5 years ago
he slowly nods his whole body in pain. Even sitting hurts
5 years ago
dento stares at him as his eyes glow gold an energy pouring into him..... i think we need to give you a break
5 years ago
No please my lord..I need to be the strong royal guard...I want to become one of the kings guard
5 years ago
his eyes go back to normal looking up at him his eyes full of worry im seeing so much stress and pain in your body... i have pushed you too hard recently
5 years ago
My lord please I can take it...I..i shouldent of complained that I was in pain
5 years ago
he gets in his face how can you do your best if your in pain?!
5 years ago
he gasps in fear his ears folding back I need to learn to work though it! The kings guard...its rumoured that they don’t feel pain...I wish to be like them
5 years ago
dento flinches blushing as he leans back they feel pain xeno i should know i was one for years... they... they ignore it... but its dangerous... epecially for someone with a magic inside as strong as yours....
5 years ago
Dose that mean I won’t be able to be a kings guard? Is this training all for nothing?
5 years ago
no you can still be one.... but i need you to be at your best... he places on his chest again hold still okay today will be a rest day
5 years ago
he tries to relax yes my lord
5 years ago
he smiles as he gently pushes him back onto the bed a soft yellow glow entering him
5 years ago
looking vulnerable as he looks up at him feeling his pain dulling
5 years ago
he holds out his hand gently taking away his pain as he looks over him blushing you have grown in these few weeks... you deserve the rest
5 years ago
Thank you my lord I feel like I can take in the earth!
5 years ago
he gives a smile well today your gonna take it easy and thats an order from me the dark bags under his eyes more prominant
5 years ago
Yes my lord...if you command ...can you take it easy too? You look tired
5 years ago
he flinches with a smile your worried about me?
5 years ago
Of course my lord! I would do anything for the royal family
5 years ago
he blushes looking down at him with a small sigh honestly i would love to take it easy but./.. the nightmares make that difficult
5 years ago
I..I can enter them..the dreams
5 years ago
his eyes widen looking down at him do not!!
5 years ago
But why my lord? You are suffering and you’ve done so much for me
5 years ago
his hands shake.... my dreams are filled with images of the war.... that is something you dont need to see.... he holds himself looking like he could fall asleep at any second
5 years ago
Forgive me my lord I still have to use my wish grabbing him and getting on top of dento hands gently on his head and chest I wish to enter your I can help you
5 years ago
be blushes a deep red looking up at him with wide eyes ah b-but... you ca... i.... he knows he cant go back on his word as he looks up at him feeling very odd having him above him, not haveing anyone above him in a long while
5 years ago
Please my lord..please grant me this wish sitting on his groin as his dark magic starts up in soothing way
5 years ago
he blushes with a sigh im not going to win.... he looks up..... please.... dont let what you are about to see change how you think about yourself. You are so amazing
5 years ago
Don’t worry my lord I won’t using his powers to put dento to sleep he enters his dreams falling asleep on top on dento holding him
5 years ago
dento sleeps as his eyes shoot open looking around in the dark space wh... where... Xeno?... hello?
5 years ago
the sound of war can be heard xeno and David sword fighting if you live you will kill everybody!! xeno growls no! I’m not like the others! They can’t be all evil! They could of been corrupted!!
5 years ago
dento turns seeing them as he reaches for them his body frozen ngh no... ahh fire surrounds him as he looks scared feeling the heat nn...
5 years ago
It’s just a matter of time before you turn!! xeno outmatched by David never! This is not the king I learnt about! He was kind! And brave! Your not david! Your a fake! turning dark and smoky as he attacks hard as fast, the fake struggling to keep up xeno stabbing him in the neck leave lord dento! Never return!
5 years ago
dento feels his body go slack as he collapses the being going to a red smoke you cant have dentos heart!! its mine!!!!
5 years ago
You can have it! Just let him be free! Let him sleep in peace! Let him enjoy the rest of his life. You know he’s loyal to you. He’s the savour of the innocent xeno bites into the fake david as he turns to darkness you’re the dark one here
5 years ago
a voice echos a laugh as dento looks up slowly standing you are a fool boy.... know that he doesnt want me.... you are here in his mind... take a look for yourself
5 years ago
xeno growls why should I listen to a fake david you are nothing but lies! starting to eat the darkness
5 years ago
Dento gets close to him putting a hand on his shoulder slow yourself
5 years ago
xeno looks to him looking scary droping the half eaten dark david
5 years ago
he flinches looking up at him x-xeno...
5 years ago
xeno still dark and scary but bows to him
5 years ago
he gasps realizing they are still in the dream he kneels to him lifting his face i need you to come back to normal....
5 years ago
xeno huffs as the darkness slows but I’m not finished ..I’m eating your negative thoughts eyes coming back to normal
5 years ago
he smiles looking down at him his eyes reading an emotion xeno has never seen before xeno the fact that your in my mind right now makes me happy. You have... you have made me so happy there is no need for you to eat my sadness
5 years ago
xeno stands ...but once I leave you’ll be hunted again...won’t you? clearly worried
5 years ago
he smiles caressing his cheek these are my own problems but i dont think i have slept this well in so long
5 years ago
But...your Tastes so good looking at the darkness mouth watering being the first time he’s eaten anger and sadness
5 years ago
he thinks trying to bring him back blushing hey i know something that tastes better than that
5 years ago
R-really? What is it? curious
5 years ago
he blushes as he grabs his face pulling him in kissing him
5 years ago
his looks shocked and pulls away taking a step back
5 years ago
he blushes looking up at him well?
5 years ago
he looks shocked and disappears from his dream
5 years ago
he wakes looking up xeno still on top of him xeno?
5 years ago
xenos eyes open quickly seeing on top of him, gasping he jumps off him and runs out
5 years ago
dento feels his heart break fuck....
5 years ago
xeno runs out of the castle not knowing where to go he disappears into the crowd in the village
5 years ago
dento runs after him looking around finding his tracks as he follows them into the forest following xeno?! please I'm sorry!! I didnt know how else to snap you out of it i... I'm sorry!! please!!
5 years ago
xeno keeps running s-stay away! throwing a dark fireball to the ground as it catches fire the dark fire starts to burn quickly
5 years ago
dento gasps as he puts out the flames with earth XENO STOP COME BACK THIS IS DANGEROUS!!
5 years ago
xeno dosent listen throwing more fire balls as more flames start to burn everything around him
5 years ago
dento grits his teeth running through the fire getting burned as he catches up xeno!! a large beast appears knocking xeno to the ground angry at the flames
5 years ago
xeno looks up a giant white wolf growls at him, xeno gasps scared the wolf about to rip him apart
5 years ago
the wolf lunges as dento moves in front of him stabbing it through with a long sword also getting stabbed by its claws as dento coughs up blood gak..... the wolf dies
5 years ago
xeno terrified going to dento tearing up lord dento!
5 years ago
he falls back breathing heavy i-im fine... this is nothing.... ngh... xeno... why did you run?
5 years ago
xeno dosent awnser using dark magic to “heal” him, stopping the bleeding and dries the wound...
5 years ago
he grabs him close answer me!
5 years ago
Ng not me! Im a dark dragon! Why me? Fire dragons mate for life ...why do you want me?
5 years ago
he blushes I dont know... I find you physically attractive, but your spirit draws me to you... I find you attractive in many ways. I cant explain it... please dont leave me alone xeno... please
5 years ago
I ..I can’t not you. Not a royal..I can’t
5 years ago
dento looks up at him with a smile I know him old, I'm covered in scars and I'm not handsome anymore... I'm sorry xeno
5 years ago
...xeno dosent look I..we can’t love ..dark dragons don’t love
5 years ago
I want you to stop thinking you are like them!! you are nothing like them!!
5 years ago
I care for you my lord! I do! ..but I can’t give you the same feelings back ...I don’t know how
5 years ago
he gives a laugh feeling the pain again.... I taught david to love.... I know I can teach your
5 years ago
he takes hold of dento no you can’t ...I’m a dark trying to get him back to the kingdom
5 years ago
he covers his mouth no... your not a dark dragon. you are a dragon with a heart...
5 years ago
he looks away blushing as he slowly walks him out of the forest seeing the damage he did feeling bad
5 years ago
dento holds his gut breathing heavy fuck...
5 years ago
I’m sorry I cant heal like a fire...I can only stop bleeding
5 years ago
its fine... damn wolf...
5 years ago
getting him to the castle help! the guards take dento my lord are you okay? Did he hurt you?!
5 years ago
dento grunts no not him... damn dirty wolves
5 years ago
oh dear! come my lord they take him to tyyrion leaving Xeno one gaurd questioning him on why it happened
5 years ago
dento looks up as Tyrion looks him over bring xeno here... dont leave him alone
5 years ago
tyrion looks to a guard you heard the queen mother! Go get him! xeno getting yelled at for being irresponsible and almost killing dento come ...lord dento needs to see you xeno nods going with him seeing Tyrion’s practice for the first time
5 years ago
dento laying on a table as he is getting stitched up dento looking over ah thank god
5 years ago
xeno blames himself groveling I’m sorry...I’m sorry lord dento
5 years ago
dento gives a laugh I'm okay xeno prima smacking him you should have been more careful!!
5 years ago
tyrion looks at xeno glareing........
5 years ago
dento smiles looking around you are all acting silly I'm fi...NGH!!!
5 years ago
...tyrion looks...sorry my lord working his magic taking away the why dose a filthy dark dragon bask in my presence dear mother? tyrion angry as he covers the scar
5 years ago
dento looks up he is my aprentice
5 years ago
....give me one good reason why I shouldn’t have his head in a spike snapping his fingers as two guards pin him to the ground
5 years ago
dento sits up quickly reopening his wound ah no stop!!
5 years ago
His people killed father!! His people killed the majority of our people!! He should pay!! xeno looks up if you kill me I’ll accept it ...whatever my lord commands
5 years ago
dento stands with a glare you hurt him I die with him!
5 years ago
You can’t be serious mother! They killed your husband! MY FATHER! glareing back
5 years ago
tyrion snaps his fingers his guards drawing their swords putting at Xenos neck cutting his neck lightly nng worried
5 years ago
dento looks getting scared grabbing a scalpal putting it to his own neck you kill him I die too
5 years ago
...he looks away sheeth your swords..NOW! the guards do so they are told and get off xeno. Tyrion kicking xeno hard in the gut before walking off breaking stuff and setting things on fire in anger and fury
5 years ago
prima looks at dento my lord have you lost your mind?! dento throws the scalpal running to xeon are you alright??
5 years ago
xeon winded gasping for air, slowly getting his breath back
5 years ago
dento helps him up looking at prima you should all be ashamed
5 years ago
xeno holds dento cuddling him
5 years ago
dento holds him its okay its okay prima stares shocked my queen are you..... dento glares at her leading xeno away
5 years ago
xeno holds him I’m sorry
5 years ago
you have nothing to apologize for xeno
5 years ago
Everybody hates me he cries
5 years ago
dento holds him taking him back to his room closing the door and locking it they dont understand... I dont hate you
5 years ago
he just looks to the ground
5 years ago
dento holds him close with a sigh I'm sorry... I'm so sorry
5 years ago
I should go...I’ve caused too much trouble
5 years ago
no... please dont go xeon...
5 years ago
Then...what should I do?
5 years ago
dento thinks we will finish your training... you will become a guard... you are good and we will prove it... step one if you learning to fully control your magic
5 years ago
5 years ago
I’m ..trying ...there’s not much knowledge on dark dragons ...all I know is I like eating negative feelings
5 years ago
creates a fireball holding it darkness flicking from it and this fire is strange looking ...not like normal fire
5 years ago
dento nods putting a hand on his shoulder we will get it figured out
5 years ago
he puts out the flame...can I say with you tonight?
5 years ago
dento nods... i would like that....
5 years ago
dosent say anything, just stays scared as he starts to over think things
5 years ago
Dento smiles easily picking him up carrying him to the bed sitting with him in his lap do me a favor xeno
5 years ago
Yes? Anything for my lord?
5 years ago
he leans his head on his chest i want you to breath slowly for me.... listen and count the number of beats it should help you calm down
5 years ago
he dose what he’s told and breaths slowly counting
5 years ago
he smiles as he holds him would you like a story?
5 years ago
A story? I guess so
5 years ago
he smiles telling him the story of how a demon of darkness took hold of a great king but was purified with the love of the kings future bride why do you think that king was?
5 years ago
..probably king Afton of the light dragons...he still has the Dark prince in chains the last I heard ...
5 years ago
dento smiles good guess b-but no
5 years ago
he thinks and shakes his head who was it?
5 years ago
it was lord David
5 years ago
Lord david was taken over? But how? He’s so strong! And kind!
5 years ago
dento smiles a kind heart even if strong, can fall to the dark... but he can be saved
5 years ago
Why did you tell me this story?
5 years ago
dento smiles I just told a story... you take from it what you like
5 years ago
he holds him
5 years ago
he blushes holding him are you tired?... hungry?
5 years ago’s been confusing for me
5 years ago
how about some rest then
5 years ago
staying close to him quickly falling asleep feeling safe again
5 years ago
he holds him letting him sleep as he looks at the ceiling I went to fast...
5 years ago
sleeping soundly dreaming of nothing
5 years ago
5 years ago
dento smiles letting in sleep as he dozes off falling asleep
5 years ago
waking up late at night slipping out of dentos hold walking around the castle exploring
5 years ago
dento sleeps as a guard sees him walking as he slowly follows him keeping an eye on him
5 years ago
going into the libary looking at all the books and scrolls finding one on dark dragons he reads it....
5 years ago
he quickly finishes it telling him nothing sighing he plays with a small ball of fire seeing two bats fly past....he gose back to his ball
5 years ago
the guard walks up looking down at him fire isnt allowed in the library
5 years ago
he gasps putting it out quickly ahh I’m sorry! ...I should of known
5 years ago
the guard looks at him.... your that dark dragon right?... the one lord dento is training?
5 years ago
his ears fold down looking away....yeah ....I can leave if you want
5 years ago
he shakes his head nah your good just be careful that fire can stick and burn for hours considering it holds your magic
5 years ago
It sticks...looking at his hands thank you for telling me
5 years ago
he blinks sitting across from him removing his helmet a large scar going over one eye do you know anything about yourself?
5 years ago
I like eating negative energy and now I learnt about my fire sticking to things ...and that’s it
5 years ago
he sighs as he looks around making sure no one is watching look..... you have so many abilitys that you dont know about... controlling it is hard.... but you can learn to control it and be just like any other fire dragon....
5 years ago
xeno sighs I wish I knew what abilities though if only there was a-- wait the prince is still in chains..he’s still alive
5 years ago
the guards eyes widen dont even think about it!!! he sighs feeling eyes on him as he looks around then back to him making the same fireball in his hands... my name is heretis..... im like you
5 years ago
xeno eyes widen are there more dark dragons out there?
5 years ago
he puts a finger to his lips..... i was born and raised with them. i was told to let my magic consume me... we are not evil the magic is dark, we can control it he shows his arm with a mark on it its a seal that helps control it. no one knows i am a dar dragon.... not even my mate.... dont you dare tell a soul!!
5 years ago
he shakes his head being did you survive the war? Did you hide?
5 years ago
he sighs..... i should be dead honestly... but lord thomas.... he took pity on me... he let me live... when our darkness doesnt consume us we look like any other dragon.... your name is xeno right?
5 years ago
he nods staying silent
5 years ago
he smiles looking to his arm you want to control your magic right?... find a mate and start a life? with your magic going unchecked without a seal its not possible.... you want me to seal you?
5 years ago
he nods...but ...find a mate..we can’t love, that’s impossible
5 years ago
he smiles that is actually a myth... we can love... it just takes more time... it takes a connection on another level and then we love
5 years ago
Oh..okay I see now. So how does this seal work? How do you put it on?
5 years ago
he gives a nervous smile pulling out a pocket knife it may hurt.... you cant get it healed with magic it has to heal on its own. I carve it in and set it with magic and then you let it heal naturally
5 years ago
Outside...we will do this outside behind lord Judas shed, he’s always making loud noise there nobody will hear
5 years ago
he nods looking around again.... have you been feeling watched this whole time?
5 years ago
Ever since tyrion figured me out...yeah ...
5 years ago
he looks around as he stands helping him up come on....
5 years ago
he stands following him
5 years ago
they go outside as the feeling goes away going behind the shed hearing the sound of welding and clatters.... okay.... lets do this....
5 years ago
he pulls his arm out d- do it fast
5 years ago
he takes his arm just hold still bite your collar if you have to
5 years ago
he makes the first cut
5 years ago
he grits his teeth looking away
5 years ago
he gets to work trying to go quickly but needing to make it accurate your doing good kid just hold on
5 years ago
he grunts biting his collar trying not to move
5 years ago
he finishes as he nods putting the knife away okay... now i just need to do this he puts his hand over his mark mumbling as it glows red.... okay now just let it heal he pulls out a bandage wrapping it up
5 years ago
he focuses himself listening to Judas sware at his machines as they refuse to work dang nammit you god damn fucking peice of dog shit fuck fuck fuck!
5 years ago
he looks with a laugh that poor guy..... okay xeno return to lord dento if he asks about this tell him you slipped and cut yourself. tell him its not serious enough for magic cause it will heal quickly on its own.... we will meet in afew days okay?.... same place same time
5 years ago
xeno nods thank you mr Heretis holding his arm close feeling it burn nng
5 years ago
he looks at him its gonna hurt but its for the best
5 years ago
he nods I’ll see you in a few day..he bows his head thank you he leaves quickly going back to dentos room
5 years ago
dento tossing and turning in his bed groaning and shaking Ngh.. ah... n... no... no!!
5 years ago
he crawls up next to him holding him lord’s okay, I’m here
5 years ago
his eyes snap open with a gasp his breath heavy tears streaming down his face NO!!!
5 years ago
Dento? Lord dento it’s okay! holding him please don’t cry
5 years ago
his breath heavy looking down at him Xeno.... he holds him close oh god your here!! your here thank god i... i was alone!! i was alone and you were... you were dead and it was... it was my fault... im so sorry
5 years ago
I’m sorry I left..I just needed some air
5 years ago
he shakes curling against his chest im so glad your here now... thank you
5 years ago
I won’t leave unless I tell you..I promise holding him tight I’m sorry
5 years ago
he cries into his chest for a moment before slowly stopping.... thank you... thank you xeno
5 years ago
xeno puts his forehead to his
5 years ago
he feels it leaning into the touch unintentionally you... feel warm~
5 years ago
he smiles warming his core holding him protectively
5 years ago
5 years ago
he slowly fades into sleep with a small sigh holding him close
5 years ago
he watches him for a good while pecking him then going to sleep holding him
5 years ago
dento sleeps through the night with no more nightmares as he wakes the next morning still in his arms..... heh
5 years ago
looking peaceful his hair in a mess
5 years ago
dento giggles noticing the bandage hmm what's this?
5 years ago
tge dried blood on the bandage as his hand twitches groaning keeping his arm close
5 years ago
he blinks is he in pain?... what on earth... reaching for his arm
5 years ago
his eyes open slowly vision blurred not wanting to wake up dento?
5 years ago
he flinches blushing ah sorry did I wake you?... I was checking your arm... are your hurt?
5 years ago it was an accident..I’ll be okay
5 years ago
are you sure?... the bandages...
5 years ago
It’s okay I promise! looking at him
5 years ago
he sighs very well but we should change the bandages at least
5 years ago
I’ll do it he gets up quickly hiding away in Thebes bathroom
5 years ago
5 years ago
dento watches him go leaning on the door.... your acting odd are you okay?
5 years ago
Y-yeah..unrapping his bandages seeing the wound clean but still sore and red nng finding some clean bandages as he wraps his arm...lord dento may I request we postpone the training so my arm can heal? opening the door a crack looking at him
5 years ago
his eyes looking worried if your sure... I'm okay with that...
5 years ago
he nods opening the door I need to go back to the barraks anyway...I hope my stuff is still there
5 years ago
I dont want you going back without an escort xeno....
5 years ago
I..I’ll find somebody to come with me if you want..
5 years ago
dento nods as there is a call for him with a sigh I have a meeting... be safe... call for me if anything happens
5 years ago
Yes sir bowing his head watching him leave before going to the barraks by himself
5 years ago
a group of men in the barracks with heretis as they see him walk in.... it's the fake....I bet he is a traitor... heretis looking at them it was never proven leave him alone
5 years ago
We saw him turn into a dark! I bet he’s a double agent! A spy for the dark prince!! xeno ignoring them as he gose to the front desk asking for his things, the desk girl glares at him as she gets up to get his stuff
5 years ago
heretis sighs looking up at them well we never encountered dark dragons outside of the war.... what if they arent all bad?
5 years ago
Dude of course they are all bad! It’s in there name! “Dark” dragon! Yeah and they attacked us first! For no reason!! the girl comes back, a box filled with ashes and a note on the top of the box that says “kill your self” is that all? xeno looks sad all his stuff now gone no..that’s all thanks taking the box leaving
5 years ago
heretis glares at them WITHOUT DARKNESS THERE IS NO LIGHT YOU FUCKING MORONS!! he storms out meeting eyes with xeno for a moment as he leaves
5 years ago
xeno watched him leave then gose back to the castle throwing his box of ashes away great..
5 years ago
Gtg lunch over))
5 years ago
marina walks up behind him pulling him close from behind my husband and i would like to talk to you boy~
5 years ago
he looks up at her, feeling her cold hands, seeing her long fangs his eyes widen A v-vampire?!?? freaking out
5 years ago
she smiles calm down we just wanna chat~ follow me she walks knowing he is following as she controls him
5 years ago
following her into the dark room only being lit by candles and and fire place Alchibaldies watching the fire dance
5 years ago
she walks in al i brought him~
5 years ago
he smiles creepily going to him walking slowly around him so you are the famous dark dragon~ your people killed many innocent xeno looks down I know al grins did you know I was asked to kill you caressing his cheek xeno looking scared but you are very cute~
5 years ago
marina glares you know lord dento and him are an item so dont you dare!!
5 years ago
marina clearly jelous as she glares at al xeno just looking confused and scared
5 years ago
Ahh yes I know...but he is~ I could always turn you~ then you will be mine...he grins then turns to marina holding her should we kill him? I don’t really want to
5 years ago
she looks at him releasing her hold on him he can go back to lord dento... he isnt worth killing...
5 years ago
William will be upset ...he can live with it he giggles
5 years ago
I would like to taste the little cutie though licking his lips
5 years ago
eyes glowing red haven not eaten in days
5 years ago
xeno looking scared taking a step back i... i... um....
5 years ago
al let’s go of marina and quickly pins xeno to the wall kissing his neck hmm~ xeno freaking out al about to Pearce him with his fangs
5 years ago
marina glares using her powers on al making him stop if i were you boy i would leave i need to punish my husband
5 years ago
xeno runs out scared running into Sofia ahh I-I’m sorry miss! I didn’t mean to bump into you!
5 years ago
she blinks looking at him your fine... ah your... your lord dentos trainee right?
5 years ago
Yes ma’am! I wish to become the kings guard standing straight and at attention
5 years ago
she looks at him walking a circle around him... you sure dont look like what the others said
5 years ago
What did they say about me? About my looks?
5 years ago
hmm... well they said you were a dark dragon but you dont look like one to me
5 years ago
Oh w-well when we control our powers we look like a normal fire dragon ma’am unmoving
5 years ago
she smiles at him you do anything stupid and i will take your head off~ dont think i cant... go back to lord dento now~
5 years ago
his voice cracks yes ma’am he starts moving quickly going to dentos room closing the door behind him quickly
5 years ago
dento looks back seeing him xeno? your back already?
5 years ago
he nods your family are -- stops himself....
5 years ago
dento gives a nervous smile they are intense and crazy... i know
5 years ago
...he sighs leaning on the door holding himself....I wish I was a fire dragon or a wyvern or a mountain dragon or something!
5 years ago
dento sighs going to him holding him.... i wish i could take it away but we will get them to come around
5 years ago
No we won’t pulling away from him thinking to himself
5 years ago
dento looking worried xeno?
5 years ago
I just need some time to think my lord ...not looking at him
5 years ago
he reaches for him...... he pulls away i have buissness to the east for the next few days.... please stay safe... the family knows to leave you be... take your time thinking
5 years ago
Yes my lord...thank you ...looking out the window
5 years ago
dento sighs gathering his bag looking back before leaving, weeks pass as no word has been herd from dento the family getting worried
5 years ago
they have a meeting William and tyrion the most angry, xeno not invited to the meeting not feeling well in the stomach
5 years ago
the family all talking at once as roderich walks in looking older but still strong
5 years ago
they all go silent looking and bow before him queen mother! How is Dimitries health?
5 years ago
roderich smiles as dimitri walks up looking fine well i seem to be okay but im here to find out what has been going on in my absence
5 years ago
...everybody all looks to seloban and Veneth
5 years ago
ven looking nervous as he looking up at them ah well.... dento is missing.... and a dark dragon is still here under lord dentos care dimitri looking a little surprised as he looks around.... where are they?
5 years ago
Not invited...william speaking up looking angry...we didn’t invite him. His people killed the great king david! My father! Your son! He should be hanged! A good dark is a dead one!
5 years ago
dimitri looks around the room seeing similar anger.... but has this boy killed anyone?
5 years ago
Nobody says anything hearing somebody clear his throat, Ren walks up behind dimitri Bonjour tous le monde william rolls his eyes late again! Ren shakes his head pulling out a file non! throwing the file onto the table, pictures of xeno turning dark and stabbing dento in the shoulder when they first fought he hasent killed anybody...but he almost did
5 years ago
lighting a cigarette
5 years ago
ven looking up this is enough proof for m--- w-wait a min.....
5 years ago
they look Judas not looking as he works on his machine getting it to work as it lights up the sentry gun moving around what is it mother? judas smiling as he pets his sentry gun
5 years ago
...... hasnt xeno been under guard the entire time?.... orders from lord dento to not leave him alone
5 years ago
Of course! Exept for when dento left ...he’s haven’t been alone tyrion speaks up he’s also come down with a mystery belly bug ..he’s not getting better anytime soon either keeping his hands in his deep pokets
5 years ago
So he haven’t left the castle
5 years ago
dimitri looks around the room turning to ren You have these photos but didnt stop him? and where is dento now? did you leave him there injured?! dimitri looking serious not buying it
5 years ago
Je n'ai pas eu à l'arrêter! et je ne suis jamais allé avec Dento je l'ai seulement vu partir!! glareing he said he was going east and didn’t need help!
5 years ago
dimitri glares as he walks out the boy needs to be talked too
5 years ago
ren follows my lord he is dangerous! And untrustworthy!
5 years ago
he turns on him i dont know your work like the others but something isnt right here!! you all may think i hatched at night but it was not last night!!!
5 years ago
Ugh! tellement grossier! vous ne croyez même pas mes mots! he walks away going invisible
5 years ago
Je crois les mots quand ils sont prononcés en me regardant dans les yeux! he turns walking to the room seeing to guards....... has he left?
5 years ago
He hasn’t left our sight sir..he’s bedridden
5 years ago
and you are sure?
5 years ago
they open the door xeno laying in bed holding his gut nng
5 years ago
5 years ago
dimitri nods walking in holding one of the pictures that he has swipped grabbing a chair sitting next to the bed hello... Xeno was it?.... I am lord dimitri..... may we talk?
5 years ago
xeno looks to him...lord dimitri? ..king David’s father
5 years ago
hello son are you alright?
5 years ago
I’ll do anything my lord Commands nng
5 years ago
I’m just..not feeling well
5 years ago
he looks over him holding a hand out
5 years ago
he looks weak w-what?
5 years ago
you look rather ill.... tell me and you can not lie a blue glow emits from his hand have you left this room?
5 years ago
and have you seen dento?... he begins to heal him finding no serious injury
5 years ago
N-no I haven’t left the room...they bring my food up ...every time I eat I get sicker I..I don’t know why uneaten food on the table I haven’t seen lord dento.. I should of went with him, to protect him
5 years ago
he looks at the un eaten food you eating the wrong food... and I think your being framed he holds up the photo
5 years ago
he looks at the picture...did ..that’s me when I go dark? ..dento did say I attacked him
5 years ago
when did you attack him?
5 years ago
When we where sparing..I don’t remember what I did but ...I stabbed him nng
5 years ago
I...I didn’t mean too ...
5 years ago
he notices the bandage what is that? are you injured?
5 years ago
Ahh was an accident keeping to his story putting a hand on it almost hiding it
5 years ago
dimitri looking sceptical reaching for him show me... it could be infected making you sick
5 years ago
N-no I can’t
5 years ago
dimitri not wanting to pull it but knows its the only way insubordination will not be tolerated and i wont ask again... show me
5 years ago
he gets scared undoing the bandage showing him the patterned scar on his arm
5 years ago
dimitri looks at it..... this seal
5 years ago
He said it’s suppose to control my powers
5 years ago
he looks up at him then down at it he must have been doing it in the dark its missing several marks and its infected
5 years ago
It was midnight ...he said that it needs to heal on its own...what should I do?
5 years ago
he sighs looking down at it well i know this symbol and it needs to be cleaned... come we are going to the medical ward
5 years ago
he gasps NO! Please not tyrion!!
5 years ago
he flinches geez... calm yourself
5 years ago
He tried to behead me! Please ...don’t make me go there
5 years ago
he looks shocked with a sigh.... very well i shall go get the supplies i need
5 years ago
I’m sorry...I wish the others got to know me.....I miss dento ...curling into a ball...
5 years ago
he blinks giving a smile patting his head you remind me so much of my son... its amazing..... i will be right back just relax
5 years ago
he nods as an angry looking servant comes in with food...I don’t know why we keep feeding him! He dosent eat! taking away the old food a small vial dropping from his poket, he quickly picks it up and pockets it again
5 years ago
dimitri seeing it as he thinks looking to the food.... dont eat that
5 years ago
xeno saw it and glares....have they been...poisoning the food?
5 years ago
clearly this kindgom is falling around me... i wont stand for it he walks out motioning for the servant to be taken into custody going to the medical ward Supplied for treating infection... give them to me
5 years ago
the medics look around collecting the supplies getting Tyrion’s attention what’s going on my lord? Are you hurt?
5 years ago
he glares at him with such hate it makes his blood run cold attempting to kill a dragon based on no facts and a haritage that is long gone and lost... you should all be ashamed.... he takes the bag of supplies a royal meeting will be held in 2 hours.... and bring NON POISONED FOOD TO THE BOY BEFORE I REALLY GET UPSET
5 years ago
tyrion glares as you wish my lord
5 years ago
he gets in his face glare at me again tyrion i dare you!
5 years ago
tyion contiues to glare but looks away....
5 years ago
he turns on his heel leaving going to the room seeing another servant walking up with food as he looks at it stopping them, picking up a bite going to eat it
5 years ago
the servant panics and smacks his hand away don’t! Please my lord
5 years ago
he glares you should all be ashamed! he turns going into the room going to him okay let me see your arm.
5 years ago
xeno sits up showing him thank you my lord
5 years ago
he smiles patting his head dont mention it kid and hold still its gonna sting
5 years ago
I’m ready for it
5 years ago
he nods getting to cleaning as the door slams open william and seloban in the door way looking in great father what are you doing? dimitri doesnt look back im treating his infected wound and i will be getting him an antidote in a moment as well
5 years ago
william shakes his head in disgust I can’t belive this! Treating the enemy unless you want information out of him I’ll be happy to help
5 years ago
he looks back his eyes full of anger.....
5 years ago
william not scared of him almost giving a sick twisted look
5 years ago
william one more word from you and i will have you thrown in the dungeon... your father would be ashamed
5 years ago
David would be ashamed that we have the enemy in the castle and not in chains!! william walking off
5 years ago
dimitri glares going back to his work seloban still standing there if your going to stand there you might as well come in
5 years ago
seloban comes in xeno bows his soon as I can my lord I will leave...I’ve caused to much trouble as it is
5 years ago
dimitri looks up at him pardon? if you go anywhere you will be coming with me or your lord
5 years ago
But everybody hates me, the trust is gone!
5 years ago
What if everybody is right...what if Iam evil? And it’s just a matter of time?! overthinking
5 years ago
the dragons of the past are not you! you hurt lord dento once during a sparing match. everyone gets hurt during sparing matches! you have gone to the trouble of having your magic sealed to become more safe to be around. Dento is smart and can see the good in people. I know you are not evil. that photo is being used out of context he starts making new marks
5 years ago
on his arm compleating the seal as it glows gold as he smiles there lets wrap this and get you some light food
5 years ago
I wish the others thought that way.....thank you my lord..for fixing everything for me
5 years ago
he smiles looking back at seloban are you really going to let hate fill your heart?
5 years ago
seloban sighs can you blame everyone? They have trust issues! It will take a very long time before they will start talking to Xeno. Some still don’t even trust Alchibaldies and Marina
5 years ago
dimitri having been gone for a while looking up alchibaldies and marina? whats ?..... a commotion herd through the castle as dimitri looks what is going on?
5 years ago
xeno sits up lets go check it out slowly walking out
5 years ago
dimitri helps him walk as they get to the main hall the family around dento asking him questions left right as center as he looks confused looking around at everyone what is going on? i know im a week late but honestly... getting this flustered?
5 years ago
xeno smiles as everybody asks him questions why where you late? What happend? How did it go? Are you okay?
5 years ago
dento laughs a large storm blew in making it unsafe to travel or even send out word what was going on. the negotiations went well we have a trade line set along with ability to the army..... you all look so nervous are you alri-- seing xeno being held up by dimitri... the lord father... xeno..... I think its my turn to ask what happened.....
5 years ago
they look to xeno...then to tyrion oh don’t blame it all on me! they all look guilty
5 years ago
dento looking nervous taking some steps forward what ..... WHAT HAPPENED?! His voice booms and echos making everything silent looking at his family.... what did you all do?
5 years ago
non of them speak xeno looking bad....they..he dosent want to tell the truth
5 years ago
dento looking upset going to him cupping his cheek Xeno what happened? are you in pain? dimitri looks up no one wants to admit it fine i will tell him!! they have been poisoning him
5 years ago
xeno passes him a vial somebody has been poisoning my food...looking away
5 years ago
dento stares at it taking it from him holding the vile his hand shaking.......... how dare......
5 years ago
xeno looks to him please don’t be mad...
5 years ago
I can understand why they did it
5 years ago
dento turns on them tears pouring down his face HOW DARE YOU ALL!!! DAVID GAVE ME HIS BLESSING AND YOU TREAT HIM LIKE THIS!!! WHAT HAS HE DONE!!!! NOT HIS KIND !!! HIM!!
5 years ago
He went beserk ren walks out from behind the giant marble pillars he went dark, tried to kill you. We can’t trust a dark. Why should we trust him? I’ve seen his powers! His commander has and his whole platoon breathing in on his cancer stick
5 years ago
dento glares you mean he went dark when i pushed him to a breaking point... when we were sparing. you know nothing so keep your mouth shut before i burn your tonge with that
5 years ago
It doesn’t matter my lord his potential to kill is too great!
5 years ago
dento glares getting ready to raise a hand to him as heretis catches his hand sire this is enough
5 years ago
xeno looks mr Heretis holding his other arm don’t you’ll be punished! looking to him innocently
5 years ago
he smiles at him then let them i cant see my brother hurt anymore
5 years ago
they look brother? ren glares I knew you where alittle diffrent from the rest
5 years ago
he looks to him big talk comming from a man thats not actually part of the military, and is just sneaking around doing dirty work
5 years ago
Big talk for somebody who’s too scared to save the dragons in the human world and has to pretend he’s a fire dragon! growling Veneth pushes them apart stop it both of you!! Ren go save some eggs! ren grumbles turning into a human as he gose to the human world
5 years ago
hereits removes his helmet as he bows I am a dark dragon as well..... if i am to be punished then so be it but i have fought to save you all for years and even have a mate of my own. we are not all the same and i beg you to open your eyes and see the truth
5 years ago
give him the antidote i beg you... before he gets worse
5 years ago
they look to tyrion As he fuck up...and he will be put to death! Along with you sir Heretis!
5 years ago
he looks up with a smile im not afraid he stands going to xeno my brother are you alright your scales are going white
5 years ago
I..I don’t feel xeno falls unconscious the poison taking effect. Tyrion gose to him pulling out a vial pouring it into xenos mouth making him drink it
5 years ago
heretis holds him up dimitri looking worried as he looks at the rest of them then to seloban.... you are relieved of your title as of now!
5 years ago
they look in shook william growls so I can’t catch any more murders? No more criminals? Are you insane?
5 years ago
he glares I should be taking that away from you! you all decided to try and kill him....
5 years ago
William walks off going to his dungeon whispering somthing to his guards, they look in horror and nod letting everyone out
5 years ago
Dimitri leaves xeno in centos care going to the dungeons..... William!!
5 years ago
the criminals all running out tasting freedom mostly running in fear of took my title and power away.. have fun catching everybody
5 years ago
his eyes widen giving a glare I took nothing from you!! selibans tital was taken!! maybe you should listen!! I said I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN YOUR TITAL!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!
5 years ago
Don’t know. I will only listen to seloban anyway giving him attitude
5 years ago
he glares lunging at him punching him as he knocks him out enough.... you have lost your mind (why are you like this?)
5 years ago
williams guards pick him up some going to catch the criminals that did run
5 years ago
lock him away in a room and don't let him leave.... I have work to do xeno and dento in a room with heretis keeping an eye on him dento looking up .... thank you
5 years ago
heretis smiles it’s okay I do understand the uneasyness I can’t blame them..they will come around
5 years ago
dento smiles looking at xeno starting to cry again
5 years ago
tyrion working on him monitoring him....he will be okay...the poison I gave him was weak...with some rest he will be okay feeling alittle bad but still very cautious around him and now Heretis
5 years ago
heretis stands at dento's side putting a hand on his shoulder we are tough he will be okay
5 years ago
tyrion stands and leaves make sure he eats as soon as he wakes
5 years ago
dento nods staring at him heretis watching him shall i leave you sire?
5 years ago
If you want are a good freind sir Hereits
5 years ago
he takes a step back giving a smile th-thank you sire.... i shall be outside the room let me know when he wakes i will fetch him food
5 years ago
I will ..thank you sitting by xenos side playing withhis blond locks
5 years ago
he nods leaving as hours pass heretis walking in with two plates of food now in his civilian clothes how is he?
5 years ago
xeno trying to sit up holding onto dento
5 years ago
heretis smiles seeing him up ah your up! dento holding him crying i was so scared!!!
5 years ago
I’m so sorry ..I should of went with you ...I’m sorry
5 years ago
he shakes his head looking into his eyes with a smile, dento still crying im just glad your okay!
5 years ago
he holds him please don’t leave me alone...please
5 years ago
he holds him i wont i promise
5 years ago
heretis clears his throat I hate to ruin the moment but lord tyrion said that he needs to eat, don’t worry I watched them prepare the food this time smiling
5 years ago
dento smiles as he nods yes please my dear eat
5 years ago
he hesitates scared of it but slowly eats trusting hereits words
5 years ago
he smiles seeing his hesitation as he takes a bite as well with a smile
5 years ago
seeing his confidence feeling more comfortable as he eats, the colour coming back into his scales
5 years ago
dento smiles as he looks tired heretis handing dento a plate you are eating too sire
5 years ago
...xeno nods it’s good eating like a starving dog
5 years ago
dento smiles eating as well staying close to xeno slowly feeling more and more sleepy as he finishes th-thank you heretis... i... he falls forward onto the bed falling asleep as heretis smiles he needs his sleep just as you
5 years ago
he finishes feeling tired himself thank you sire Heretis I owe you so much
5 years ago
heretis smiles picking up dento laying him next to xeno you two rest and i will keep watch.... if you are still feeling hungry or have something to say to him i would enter his dreams... its the only privacy your gonna get any time soon he smiles going outside
5 years ago
xeno lays next to dento falling asleep entering his dreams
5 years ago
dento sitting in a feild of grass staring at the sky as he looks back xeno?
5 years ago
xeno walks to him and sits next to him thank you for being with me
5 years ago
dento smiles looking up to the sky...... i wont lie... when i was told what they did to you.... i couldnt see straight... i was so mad.... im sorry i left you alone
5 years ago
xeno cuddles him I want to be your guard...I want to be by your side
5 years ago
he blushes looking down at him holding him close..... last time i saw you you didnt want me touching you but... now.... it feels nice..... you are my guard... you shall be by my side always
5 years ago
Thank you my lord! Anything for you
5 years ago
he smiles caressing his cheek then stops blushing s-sorry.... i just... missed you
5 years ago
If this makes my lord happy snuggles into his hand smiling
5 years ago
he blushes caressing his cheek with a smile thanik you
5 years ago
he blushes enjoying his touch
5 years ago
he pulls him close im sorry.... i dont have any negativity here for you... im just... so happy right now
5 years ago
Can we be happy together? Forever close to him
5 years ago
he blushes with a smile if you will have me~
5 years ago
he gives a smile blushing and pecks him
5 years ago
his eyes widen blushing.... your serious?
5 years ago
he blushes....I am
5 years ago
he blushes pulling him close holding him tight almost having him in his lap
5 years ago
blushing sitting in his lap kissing him innocently never done this before
5 years ago
he gives him small kisses we can go slow i promise we wont do anything you dont want to knowing he is getting turned on
5 years ago
he blushes thank you my lord, you are so kind ...please teach me how to love ...
5 years ago
he blushes i will... i promise~ he gently kisses his neck holding him close
5 years ago
he gives a soft moan holding him moving his head giving him more room
5 years ago
he blushes kissing him more over and over making each one more tender
5 years ago
all red his hands feeling his back and wings my lord..ah it’s ..good
5 years ago
he blushes looking up at him with a smile that feels wonderful~
5 years ago
he shyly kisses him gently
5 years ago
he smiles looking up you can do what you like my dear~
5 years ago
I..I don’t know if I should nervous
5 years ago
he smiles looking up dont forget this is a dream world..... its okay
5 years ago
he blushes I...I’ve never...I never even touched myself
5 years ago
dento blushes as he looks up go slow and take your time~ have you ever even seen another dragon naked?
5 years ago
he shakes his head, all innocent
5 years ago
he blushes holding him i wont make you do anything but... i will happily show you my own self if it would help
5 years ago
he thinks...can we just start with our shirts? Please all shy
5 years ago
he smiles with a nod
5 years ago
kissing him gently slowly taking off his shirt feeling his hard chest
5 years ago
he smiles looking up at him are you okay?
5 years ago
he nods...I’m...nervous...looking away
5 years ago
he smiles caressing his cheek we can stop for now... its okay
5 years ago
he relaxes in his hand kissing his hand pushing him down cuddled into his chest
5 years ago
he blushes with a smile as they both slowly wake looking around the room ngh¿~
5 years ago
he looks to dento the morning light coming though the window xeno holds him
5 years ago
he blushes holding him with a smile
5 years ago
he gently caresses his cheek
5 years ago
he smiles as he looks over heretis blushing looking away ah... your um.... you're being called to breakfast
5 years ago
xeno blushes hiding under the sheets
5 years ago
dento sits up with a giggle thank you... you have been up all night right?... your free to go ho-.... heretis did. . your mate know?
5 years ago
...he looks away no...I need to go to them...he bows they miss me and I miss them he leaves
5 years ago
dento watches him leave may they be kind
5 years ago
xeno slowly looks up then to dento....want to train today?
5 years ago
he looks to him are you sure your strong enough?
5 years ago
I feel like I can take on the world lord dento smiling
5 years ago
he smiles food first then training
5 years ago
Yes my lord...he stands and stretches going to the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror realising he hasent shaved in days looking scruffy blushing her has a shower and shaves his face looking cleaner
5 years ago
dento getting dressed as he waits for him
5 years ago
he comes out dresses in his only training gear looking cleaner and handsome I’m ready to face the day
5 years ago
he blushes seeing him as he smiles offering his hand remember their words are nothing... your my guard!
5 years ago
blushing he takes his hand nothing will get to me...I promise. Let them say what they want
5 years ago
he smiles pulling him close giving him a kiss as they walk out together
5 years ago
xeno holding him staying close to him everybody at the table exept William and ren. Judas filling a plate with food still in the same clothes he’s been wearing for the past 3 days covered in grease
5 years ago
Dimitri at the table with roderich as everyone looks dento giving a smile good morning
5 years ago
tyrion looking sad as dose a lot of others, Judas looking what’s going to happen to dad?
5 years ago
Dimitri looks up once calms down and is willing to talk he will be freed and put back to work... he just needs time to calm himself
5 years ago
...he looks away taking his food back to his shed
5 years ago
dento looks with a sigh I understand this has upset many of you but this should help... we won't be staying...
5 years ago
5 years ago
tyrion looks upset what about Seloban! Veneth?
5 years ago
dento smiles and sits I will still give my help where its needed but... you all rely on me so much... I won't be around forever... I have also been summoned to the south... our brothers are having problems
5 years ago
he huffs and stands I need to get to my patients leaving xeno feeling alittle bad but tries to not let it get to him
5 years ago
dento sighs looking around the table i am sorry everyone i am but...
5 years ago
a lot of them leave getting back to work anyway upset due to seloban losing his title
5 years ago
dento feeling guilty as he looks to dimitri how long will he be without his title dimitri? it doesnt seem fair he looks to dento he has let all of this get to his head... its not like i have him in a dungeon
5 years ago
a bang Is heard everybody turns William coming though the door looking like shit one of his guards with him, stumbling to the table he grabs an armful if food...don’t mind me, I’ll put myself back in prison soon xeno looking confused
5 years ago
dento looking as he stands what the hell is going on?? dimitri going to him william what on earth!?
5 years ago
Shhhhhh....I studied the prisons I know how to get out of them allso I have a key on me sipping on some tea completely calm with a huge bruise on his face
5 years ago
dimitri looking worried william please you dont need to stay down there
5 years ago
Your the one who put me down there last night touching his face wincing in pain
5 years ago
no no i told them to put you in a room and keep you there for safety! not the dungeon!! he looks upset
5 years ago
Yeah well...they locked me up in my no criminals will get to me...good thinking on there part...we easily caught everybody by the way. They didn’t get far with their lack of toes and trimmed was fun...I should do that again for a sport
5 years ago
dimitri flinches looking at him william what did you just say?
5 years ago
he laughs oh it’s a joke calm down
5 years ago
he sighs looking down at him go to tyrion for treatment and then you have the next few days off
5 years ago
finishes his tea then leaves with an arm full of breads and leaves xeno smiles alittle everybody is leaving him alone
5 years ago
dento looks to him seeing him not eating are you hungry?
5 years ago
xeno smiles there is so much choice picking up a croissant tasting the buttery goodness hmm
5 years ago
dento smiles have you traveled before xeno?
5 years ago
xeno shakes his head no my lord never
5 years ago
well your going to enjoy this then your coming with me on this trip
5 years ago
Where are we going my lord? looking excited
5 years ago
the sothern tropic tribe has called for us to assist in a problem... it will be 2 weeks to get there since we cant fly until we get to the ocean, then another week there with two more to get back
5 years ago
Wow this is going to be one heck of a trip! he smiles I can’t wait to go! I’d love to see the world with you my lord
5 years ago
he smiles holding his tail with his it should be nice he goes to eating
5 years ago
he blushes tails together as he eats
5 years ago
they finish as dento stands how about a small bit of training today with some preperations
5 years ago
Yes my lord! I wish to brush up on my foot work and swordsmen skills
5 years ago
he smiles with a nod well then shall we go?... i will need to change into my training gear
5 years ago
he nods standing I’ll meet you in the training field he runs out excitedly
5 years ago
he smiles leaving getting dressed in his tight fitting uniform walking out to the yard looking sexy as shit
5 years ago
xeno practicing on a dummy looking up seeing dento going red...just looking at him
5 years ago
he adjusts his arm bands as he stretches showing off his body
5 years ago
he breaths heavily is padding covering his semi
5 years ago
some of the other recruits stare as well as dento stands straight looking at some of the rookies nodding to them as he looks at xeno you ready
5 years ago
his voice breaks and nods getting into a stance trying to concentrate
5 years ago
dento goes to a stance warm up spar nothing serious then we will get into sword fighting
5 years ago
Okay my lord I can do that smiling nervously looking at his tight body
5 years ago
he smiles lunging as they spar gently for a long while getting sweaty
5 years ago
blushing his sweaty body making his shirt wet and stuck to his body able to see though the white shirt
5 years ago
dento knocking him down his breath heavy getting distracted? he smiles with a blush
5 years ago
Ahh won a-sir he stands may I go to the bathroom please? blushing
5 years ago
he nods with a smile go i will be here
5 years ago
he stands walking strangely going into the stall taking off his pants his dick hard and huge as he throbs nng shit gently touching himself panting
5 years ago
dento continues as he gets worried going to the stall knocking are you alright?
5 years ago
xeno gasps um yeah..i ahh~ sitting on the toilet
5 years ago
he blushes leaning on the door do you need some help~
5 years ago
N-no please don’t ahh come in trying to relive himself breathing heavily
5 years ago
he smiles knowing the sound are you sure love~
5 years ago
he shakes his head not’m alittle scared slowly unlocking the stall
5 years ago
he smiles cutting off part of his sash closing his eyes as he walks in keeping his eyes closed..... i wont look if you dont want me too locking the door i just wanna help love~
5 years ago
he blushes it’s...ahh so hard...I don’t know what to do...I’m scared
5 years ago
dento smiles blindfolding himself its okay just breath i will do the work he leans close kissing him as a hand explores him feeling his hard cock blushing
5 years ago
xeno blushes kissing him back his dick twitches in dentos hand throbbing on his touch his hands feeling his back his hands going under his shirt feeling him
5 years ago
dento blushes unable to see anything as he strokes him
5 years ago
he moans sweetly in his ear dento~ holding him close smelling his musk getting even more turned on moving his hips
5 years ago
dento blushes feeling himself get hard knowing it can be seen in the tight uniform as he continues your doing good love~
5 years ago
he moans his hands find themselves on his dick feeling the hardness ahh you’re ..ahh hard too..worried
5 years ago
dento smiles blushing its okay
5 years ago
Nng something ahh ...precumming cuddling him as he moans thrusting in his hand
5 years ago
go ahead you will feel better~
5 years ago
But..nng ahh~ dento~ cumming hard, all over his hand holding him seeing stars
5 years ago
dento feels it wanting to see his face as he kisses him
5 years ago
weaking kissing him back slowly taking off the blind fould wanting to see him, blushing looking like a hot sexy mess
5 years ago
dentos hair having fallen out looking at him ....good boy~
5 years ago
he kisses him more pulling dento into his lap pulling off his tight uniform kissing his body
5 years ago
dento blushes feeling him take control letting him Ah~ Xeno~
5 years ago
he blushes...your hard do you want me too..t-touch you?
5 years ago
his eyes widen turning bright red looking down at him with a smile watch me first~
5 years ago
he nods blushing shyly
5 years ago
he sits back taking off his shirt and pulling his pants down just enough to free himself ngh~
5 years ago
blushing looking at his’ handsome pecking him feeling his chest and abs
5 years ago
he blushes looking down at him ah im... glad you like it~
5 years ago
kissing him deeply holding his body close to his groins rubbing together
5 years ago
he blushes giving a soft moan
5 years ago
he gently strokes both himself and dento this...feels right ahh
5 years ago
ah yes~ it feels so good~
5 years ago
kissing him hands feeling his ass squeezing his cheek
5 years ago
he moans looking down ah xeno~
5 years ago
hard and thobing next to his...dento..I ..I want to ...blushes looking him in the eye I want to mate with you ...please a hand on his chest rubbing his nipple
5 years ago
he blushes a deep red looking down at him .... n-now?
5 years ago
he looks away his bravery weaving ah I-I’m sorry my lord...I didn’t mean to say that please feel free to punish me. I’m a horrible pervert
5 years ago
dento smiles kissing him it's fine standing as he finishes getting naked
5 years ago
looking at him hands feeling his body caressing his cheek my dento kissing him deeply slipping of his own shirt now naked with him he lifts him up leaning him on the wall
5 years ago
he blushes letting him take control ah my xeno~
5 years ago
kissing his neck gently leaving a love mark as he lightly plays with his hole teasing him
5 years ago
ah yes yes~... xeno~ it feels so good
5 years ago
he gently pushes his finger into him as he kisses him deeply, slowly dry humping his groin
5 years ago
he moans forgetting this feeling as he moans ah xeno~
5 years ago
he feels around so...ahh tight leaving more love marks on his neck pushing in another finger sizzoring him
5 years ago
he moans as he moves turning around his tail up g-go ahead
5 years ago
his eyes glow taking hold of his hips pulling him close as he slowly pushes in moaning lightly
5 years ago
his eyes widen as his back arches ah... ah yes~
5 years ago
growling he shoves himself inside quickly hitting his spots fucking him like David did
5 years ago
his eyes like hearts as he moans biting his lip looking back ngh~
5 years ago
looking determined as he kisses him thrusting hard into him
5 years ago
he moans into the kiss trembling xeno... xeno ahh yes!~~
5 years ago
Ahh my love~ hands on his chest rubbing his nipples I love you dento
5 years ago
he blushes gasping and moaning i... I love you~
5 years ago
he reaches around stroking him as he moans ahh my love his other hand on his chest feeling his heart beat
5 years ago
his breath heavy looking back I'm gonna....
5 years ago
Yes my love...ah do it~ slamming hard into him
5 years ago
he moans cumming hard
5 years ago
Nng aah feeling his ass squeeze him as he cums I..ahh god I’m close again
5 years ago
do it!! inside me!!!
5 years ago
he gives a few more very hard thrusts cumming hard on his spots moaning
5 years ago
his back arches moaning his body weak
5 years ago
filling him with seed he sits down on the toilet holding dento down with him, holding him and still deep inside catching his breath
5 years ago
dentos breath heavy as he looks back a-are you okay?
5 years ago
he slowly nods just holding him
5 years ago
he smiles turning around holding him and gives him a kiss
5 years ago
he kisses him back holding him, tongues dancing
5 years ago
*he moans holding him
5 years ago
he blushes looking into his eyes filled with love my lord pecking him thank you for teaching me about love
5 years ago
it was my pleasure ~
5 years ago
he blushes we should get out of here...if we stay longer we might get caught hehehe
5 years ago
he smiles as he slowly stands cleaning up and getting dressed
5 years ago
helping him get dressed and pulls on his own clothes
5 years ago
he walks out before him waiting in the hall for you okay?
5 years ago
he comes out still blushing taking his hand
5 years ago
he takes his hand leading him back to the room
5 years ago
he stays close to him
5 years ago
he goes in pulling him close
5 years ago
xeno kisses him gently I love you whispering
5 years ago
I love you xeno so much
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