5 years ago
Thank you to all those who took time to remember me on my day, and a good day to those who did not. But I'd like to take a moment to emphasize that this is not just my day; that you should not celebrate -just- one life being born, but all life.
(post continue in comments)
5 years ago
Celebrate your life with me, and the life next to yours, and the one next to them. Remember that we all are brothers; All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind, we all descend from the one great being that was and always will be: Nature.
5 years ago
"Here's to fighting, cheating, stealing, and drinking:
If you must fight, may it be for a brother.
If you must cheat, may it be death.
If you must steal, may it be the heart of a beautiful stranger."
- Poettic Edda
Now, go get drunk you fools <3