aegisforce is
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Thread is still ongoing, but all Aegis players can assume this information on Jeopardy's nuke plant was circulated to them ICly, with instructions to use their best judgement on who else to share it with
latest #31
aegisforce says
5 years ago
since 'this town is definitely from another universe' is the kind of news that could be inflammatory if spread too broadly and in the wrong way
5 years ago
5 years ago
which confirms the technical information Jadus anonymously sent to them a couple months back
5 years ago
they're going to have to make some tough decisions about when and how to go public with this
Sir Daye
5 years ago
If you ever want it leaked to the public I have a blogger happy to help
Sir Daye
5 years ago
(I’ve been looking for something she can publish a massive tldr fact dump on)
5 years ago
that could be an interesting angle to pursue!
5 years ago
for reference, this is the anon contact mentioned by Jadus' player
5 years ago
long story short, Jadus got in contact with an ex-OTO researcher with alarming evidence that Porter operations and imPort presence is corroding and destabilizing the universe
Sir Daye
5 years ago
5 years ago
Sir Daye
5 years ago
In George’s world the apocalypse was partially caused by sensationalized tabloid reporting and then worsened by the press lying and hiding things so like
Sir Daye
5 years ago
She’d absolutely publish this but she would do it carefully and thoughtfully
Sir Daye
5 years ago
She just cares a lot about The Truth
5 years ago
maybe Aegis will give her an exclusive like they did Iris
5 years ago
gotta manage that media perception, especially after your swear-in gets attacked by robots
5 years ago
Lucina sweats in diplomat but also anime
5 years ago
Maybe put a pin in that
Sir Daye
5 years ago
lmfao everyone: are you sure a swear in at the moon is a good idea
Aegis: yes it's totally fine we swear
the moon base: gets attacked mid swear-in
Sir Daye
5 years ago
m a y b e
5 years ago
to be fair it should have better security than just about anywhere because there's literally only one entrance unless you fly all the way there
go rimbaud
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
oh yeah, i asked the mods about it last time i did a thread there, and kanaya can actually feel the differences in Space around jeopardy
go rimbaud
5 years ago
so she's been operating under this assumption for like a month
go rimbaud
5 years ago
one day she's going to see if she can't map out a perimeter of where the differences start
5 years ago
that's three pieces of evidence then
go rimbaud
5 years ago
my excuse for not coming up with this earlier is she hadn't been back since her first week in game, when she was still getting used to what Space even feels like again
5 years ago
also apologies for wandering from the thread with Psychopomp. My excuse: PhD research.
go rimbaud
5 years ago
i was pretty slow with it anyway, but that's a very solid excuse
kasia can tell you where the differences start, you can see it in the sand as well as where the humming in the air abruptly stops
its roughly two mikes out from the city in all directions, i should prob have her send that info to cayde at some point, now that i think about it
5 years ago
royaltimes: if there's anything you'd like to handwave as having been covered, let me know and we can talk through it
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