my memory is still doing the awful thing where I wake up not sure of the status of various stuff (where i live, whether I'm in a relationship, whether I'm in school, where I work, etc)
it's still making me cry a lot
I've been doing UU stuff still? but my work makes me miss a lot
my new housing situation is still nice
Did you get to pet a cat today?
I'm really screwed re: money right now because doctors bounced me around some and cost me a lot in copays
I also spent a lot of my weekend with kids, because my friend's adoption stuff went through last week
lmao Kida just broke in my room I think you summoned her
I called into work today because my allergy/sinus stuff was super bad
I went to the doc who told me to go home to bed lol
um I've been walking and taking pics a lot still???
I decided to read 200 books this year and am on 53

I think you're neat
53 is really fucking impressive
did I mention I am rediscovering Terry Pratchett? that's a cool thing
I'm a librarian and I have trouble reaching 50
I've been going back and forth between text and audiobooks
unless you count graphic novels which......enh depends on the title
because reading text is faster but audiobooks are so nice for relaxing or chores or driving

Haha I am counting a few Sandman volumes in mine >>
have you ever read Lucifer?
Sucks that you're still having lots of health problems

but it seems like there's a bunch of good stuff in there too!
there is some good stuff!
so Lucifer spins off after Sandman volume 4
different author but god damn it's good
I'll have to check it out!
also I made a journal from that one, and I know someone who has that Lucifer too
also silly but I am still super enjoying my tomboyx boxers >>
I wore them hanging out from under my denim shorts and was all LOOKIE MY SWEET UNDIES
wait I may have posted that here already, ah well
I still spend a strange amount of time just wandering around talking to peeps
also you see the pic I shared of my dad?
and a bunch of friends of friends have added me on social media or taken my number at social things???
so I feel strangely popular right now lol
Haha I just went to see!!! so spiffy!!!
I'll have to scroll through plurk and catch up tomorrow
I feel like I keep forgetting/wandering off
I'm just saying, embrace the weird
Haha today I went to meet some ladies from UU for dinner at McAlister's and...
I was wandering around seeing if anyone had shown up yet
and this employee just... turned and saw me and was like WAIT IM SORRY BUT I HAVE TO TELL YOU I LOVE YOU
and just fawned over my whole look
I was wearing my Ellen jacket and short flowered shorts and my Docs and my Calcifer shirt
and he was just like ALL THIS IS WONDERFUL
also I still love your ice cream undies so much
oh gosh i should try the book goal, i have read almost none books lately
i read fanfic on my phone but it's not the same