5 years ago
(Meme) Character siblings! /joins the party late as I get ready for work
latest #12
5 years ago
I have...a lot of characters so this will mainly be the ones in KOL
5 years ago
Alainn- doesn't remember if she has any biological siblings cuz Veilnesia is a bitch, but she does have two adopted siblings
5 years ago
From when she landed in Ireland- Sean and Colleen
5 years ago
Jordan- has two biological siblings, and one magical sibling cuz his dad is a "clever bitch" with magic convolution. Vance and Nicole are his bio-sibs, and Fiona is his magical sister who he loves the most
5 years ago
To aka Torrigan- has three canonical half-siblings, two sisters and a brother, Rogerrik, aka Kerrigor (that's his necromancer name he gave himself). This is hilariously (terribly) why TS believes in KOL that Steve Rogers is actually his brother Rogerrik since he is fond of nicknames apparently
5 years ago
5 years ago
And Val'drin mistook him for Captain America, and in cannon TS and Kerrigor look enough alike that they could be twins
5 years ago
And anyway, Kerrigor murdered Torrigans mother and siblings in front of him (he used their blood to break a powerful enchantment) and told Torrigan he was next, all the while TS went into a berserker rage bcuz murder
5 years ago
So that's... His current feelings on his brother
5 years ago
Peter Parker has no siblings, whomp whomp whomp
5 years ago
Lara Croft- has no siblings
5 years ago
Richard B. Riddick- has no siblings that he knows about
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