comparison wise it's like Snake is a wastepaper bin fire and the other guy is the entire garbage dump going up in flames
I think though with my tag rate I should either a) hold off or

not bother with the atp/emp and just throw him am the test drive and see if the juggle maintains
Have you seen The Venture Bros?
no I don't play brock, I do however lay hatred
well that was fucking fruedian
He certainly has his shit way more together later in the series
but like, still a recovering alcoholic, smoker, problem gambler, and ex-super soldier
clearly it's a mystery why I play him
depends on if you count Ocelot as a super soldier
big problematic grandpa with substance abuse issues and obvious psyche problems
I nearly said 'also lee van cleef' but then realised he too meets that description
(also if you lift up the bed skirt it's actually like slightly less than 100 various monster shaped dildos)
my collections way smaller than that guys
both in physical size and number
(I do however own (1) dong shop)
though the shop is essentially an ocelot meme on it's own because I'm dumb like that
I don't know if I'm ever going to stop laughing at the premise of having a cowboy furry themed dong shop with an ocelot for a mascot
sign McCree right the fuck up
ginger kitty or chubby jackalope, jesus choices are hard
I dumped him in the TDM now, kept the top levels light because I'd like to not die keeping my existing tags going while I fuss about with him
I like both, but just can't quite provide for a dogs emotional needs
no matter what I do I'm not dual wielding sanguis, I would die trying to keep up with that
I suspect Iris could lead to big problems for Hatred
it's still largely up in the air what moon I'll run him under
but :|a I'm unsure about putting him in a position of uncontrolled sexual urges even with his meds in play
unless like Angela wants to do a consultation on adapting those meds to Iris grade
that could be magical levels of fun and terrible conversation what with him having to explain what they're for, what they do and why he's on them and the super soldier program that led to it
they're meds to curb aggression and paedophilia
(yeah but I'm a horny degenerate who'd like to get the chubby grandpa fucked)
worst case scenario she can get him a shock collar
I'll probably coin flip it when I get around to writing an app and if it's not working for me to can be changed