fic tagged with 'unhappily married Eggsy,' 'unhappily married Tilde,' and 'Tilde gets the short end of the stick in this story sorry not sorry'
and summary mentions her parents are dead and she has a head injury
meanwhile, Eggsy apparently reacted by going off and getting with Harry
it's so fucking disgusting, I can't even
ugh. Like okay you don't like the character, but.... the way this fandom has about being so fkn.... sexist about her and hating her because she's a woman just fkn kills me. And the whole "poly is okay so long as she isn't involved"
yeah, that's a whole 'nother basket of bullshit
post TGC fic tagged as all about the poly, but not a single mention of Tilde, only Harry, Merlin, and Eggsy
like. I love Merhartwin, but if you're writing post TGC and poly, and you're not even going to mention the woman Eggsy canonically marries
even that doesn't compare to this, though. there's just something about killing her parents and giving her a head injury in order to get their slash ship, and then gloating about it in the tags
that is possibly one of the most disgusting things I've seen in this fandom so far
congrats, you disgusting person, for being the first author I add to my AO3 extension's blacklisted tags
and thank fuck that adding the author name to the blacklisted tags actually works
i stopped bothering with kingsman fandom back when merlin was left out of everything or just used for a hartwin plotline
merlin slides tilde a drink
or auto-paired with Roxy? which is thankfully less popular now than it was at the start of the fandom
don’t even get me started
I used to not mind Hartwin, even if it wasn't my main ship. then TGC happened, fandom turned into a misogynist pos, and just.
I'm not sure what I hate more; the Charlie and Whiskey lovers, or the Tilde haters
(also yes, Merlin is the best, so. trying to find good Merlin centric stuff is hard, ffft)
Yes. My answer there is Yes
/as I bitch about all the idiots, fffft, sorry
don't be sorry.
ngl, I came into this plurk ready to fight in favor of the use of ~
sends merlin and tilde to jack
well that ~ is very important too
keytone8 heee, I would be good with that XD
as would Jack, I'm sure XD
hey jack, it’s ianto with a scottish accent. jack: sold
I've actually written a short with Merlin and Jack before, the two of them dealing with Ianto and Harry's deaths
I need to write more with these two fandoms
i feel like we started a thread once upon a time
we did, yeah! <3 that was awhile ago, before I got in such a bad place and dropped a bunch of stuff
yeah <3 i honestly haven’t played him in forever but I can see what i can do about that
if you'd be willing to put up with my slow, I'd totally thread with ya
Character bashing is so tiring. Why do ficcers do this
chocoballs because idiots. something gets in the way of their ship, therefore it is evil and must be bashed.