So... remind me again how the Necronomicon was supposed to be a motive to kill in the first place?
Because the only possibility I can think of so far is that the next page says something like "oh btw, you gotta kill somebody else or it won't work"
(I agree with NicoB that not calling it the Necromonocon was a wasted opportunity, but oh well.)
Pfft, I like how "shit-eating worm" was animated like an inchworm during the debate
Oh yeah, even if Keebo isn't the killer this time, I can totally see him snapping and murdering someone afterwards
"Yeah, I did it. I killed Angie.

"That's Uber lame!"
Aww, Keebo, honey. Now I feel bad for suspecting him at all.
Are we implying Tenko committed suicide?
If you get betrayed... it's your fault for believing in that person...
There's another neat little animation to go with Tsumugi thinking someone tore off one of the floorboards, showing the words being pried up
I noticed one more earlier, when we were talking about the rusty katana
And the "wooden statue" text falling off!
...yeah, Kiyo's the only one who could have placed the sickle there. And he insisted that everything be done very precisely to avoid getting cursed, meaning he was the only one to handle the cloth near the cage.
So once we prove Kiyo did it and not Himiko, then the real challenge will be proving he also killed Angie, or else he gets away with it.
Sure Kiyo, but let's not forget, Himiko was originally going to be the one in the cage. It was Tenko who volunteered to be the medium at the last minute so Himiko could say goodbye to Angie.
Ah, good deduction about all three rooms having their floors cut in the same way, Nico.
Oh, the X on Tenko's portrait was curved to match her hair bow? Okay, that makes way more sense than what I initially thought, which was "clumsy attempt to censor a non-Nazi swastika? Maybe?"
Like it was meant in its original spiritual meaning before Hitler hijacked it.
But it's her bow instead. And now we're moving on!
Don't feel bad, Miu. What's-his-name, the Ultimate Coach, would agree with you 110%
Yeah, that tape was found beneath Angie's body, so it's more likely it was used to keep the blood from her stab wound in place while she was being moved back to her lab...
Yeah, Nico. Kiyo gave Shuichi and Kokichi matches to relight the candles before the seance started.
...okay, yeah, tape is not a cork and blood would've started clotting by that point, derp
So the tape was for her forehead to keep her from dripping blood on the way back to the lab?
...ohhhh, and since Angie couldn't lock the door behind her since she didn't have the key, that's why Kiyo was able to get into her lab to begin with!
So now I'm thinking that Angie's murder was a spur of the moment thing, since she probably walked in on Kiyo tampering with the cross beams.
His original plan was to only murder someone during the seance. Then Angie showed up and he had to adjust.
Is "Sister" some kind of split personality in Kiyo's mind? Is that why he said "Sister thanks you" during his social link?
Yep, Angie was just collateral damage.
So are Kiyo and "Sister" voiced by the same person? It kinda sounds like it, in which case, props to you, VA.
Well, it also explains the fabulous guyliner.
Though they are cheating by giving Sister more distinct eyelashes when she's in control.
Ooh, nice touch making Sister a doll for the Argument Armament. Is she going to end up shattered at the end?
Or... no. She just goes away at the end of phase one.
So was making 100 friends Sister's dying request to Kiyo or something? And was that one ritual he mentioned during his social link how he ended up with her spirit/personality sharing his body?
I still need to watch Kiyo's motive rant, but I feel like the Sister reveal could have been better foreshadowed in the main story?
Because unless you went through his social link, she really came almost completely out of nowhere.
IIRC, there was like, one throwaway line from Kiyo about how "Sister will be terribly lonely" back in the prologue, and that was it.
The pause/play button is right over Kiyo's crotch in the shot of him and his sister having "*no physical connection"
...he's been murdering girls so his sister could make friends with them?!
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lord that one line in his social link about how it was a shame Shuichi wasn't a girl, because otherwise he'd make a great friend for Sister...
...Kokichi, stop breaking the fourth wall
Monokuma salting Kiyo's ghost I kind of get, but getting his sister in on it, too?
...You know what, that whole end to the execution was just weird. Karmic, but weird.
(Also, that "throwaway line" wasn't such a throwaway after all.
"Sister will be terribly lonely because I'll only be able to kill a handful of new 'friends' for her at most while I'm stuck here.")
Also-also, seriously, how was the resurrection ritual supposed to be a motive to kill, aside from "oh noes it's 2spoopy5me?!?!?!"
Dustin thinks that maybe the motive works as one because people would naturally have different priorities on who to revive. Different priorities could lead someone to kill to get what they want.
Ah, that makes sense.
"Bring back Mom so she can make me miso soup again!"
"Kaede is the obvious choice, you asshole!"
"Is no one else interested in what Rantaro was going on about before he died?"
And Ryoma is forever alone...