ssargent thinks
15 years ago
this isn't fair.....
latest #18
Victorianana says
15 years ago
well he should not have grabbed the knife but yeah they didn't give him a chance, hopefully he learned his lesson
ssargent says
15 years ago
well i guess he has no choice but to learn his lesson since he has to rot in jail for life over a mistake he made when he was 14
Victorianana says
15 years ago
yeah, but at that age you should know better
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
I agree, that is part of being a kid - everyone makes mistakes but we need to give kids a chance to learn their lesson.
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
what do you think should have been done instead?
Victorianana says
15 years ago
i think jail was fine, if it's okay to do that then something isn't right
Jennings says
15 years ago
I think they should have given him a certain sentence of x amount of years, and grant him parole, if he messed that up, then put him back
ssargent says
15 years ago
they could have put him on probation, bcause he would have to be good or he would risk going to jail, atleast that way he would have gotten
ssargent says
15 years ago
a second chance, because although he was old enough to know better sometimes kids dont realize the harsh consequences of their actions
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
Soem sort of youth program may have done wonders for him
Jennings says
15 years ago
Yea, and not only for him, but others would benefit from that program also.
ssargent says
15 years ago
probably because right in the article it says "He grew up in a crack house with a mother who used and sold drugs"
Laurshiika says
15 years ago
I think that that a kid at that age should know better and yes it does stink he's in jail but thats what you get when you heart win woahaha
RyDawg16 says
15 years ago
That's not fair! He barely knew what he had done and they locked him up.....I'm not surprised that poor decisions are made
ShaCarlay says
15 years ago
14? im sure you know what murder is.
Laurshiika says
15 years ago
i agree SHACARLAY! haha...were not much older and I def know what murder is and i def know that stabbing someone is wrong!
Laurshiika says
15 years ago
despite the fact that it stinks its fair and he deserves it
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