lkjhakdsjhfkjahsdf guys I found a freaking GOLDMINE
latest #18
all I was doing was looking for a better twi'lek head! since. well, I made my Sith Warrior, now it's time to make Vette and Quinn since there's an existing twi'lek head in game!
and lalskjhdfkjhasdf! this person has made like
all the SWTOR things
from full lekku
to Sith facial spurs
to even Valkorian's hair
I'm sooooooooooo going to make a Valkorian sim and make him a freaking janitor, eheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am. so stupidly excited about this guys, omg
6 years ago
Gyhldeptis yer gunna have to send me pics of Alhabor
I need to make our little family
and I need to figure out what horrible thing to do to Raz mama
also, I def need to make Lana and Theron too :3
6 years ago
yes do it
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