[TheSims] Ooooo. 4 is on sale, apparently.... I'm tempted, but.... I also remember there being like? huge bad things about it, when it first released? I know some of you guys have it/have played it, did they fix those things?
latest #23
I'm trying to remember what those things were, but it's been awhile, and my head isn't quite working right atm
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
the main things I remember being complained about where lack of pools and lack of toddlers. both are back in
5 years ago
Hmmm not sure? I've had it for a while and aside from the occasional bug that's easily fixed by saving and/or restarting there's nothing that bugs me about it.
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
my main issue with it is that compared to 3 it is really limited in what you can do, and it doesn't have the awesome story progression that 3 did
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
It is fun though, and worth getting on the cheap
that may be what I'm thinking of, then, cause I remember it being stuff weirdly missing that had been added in from previous games
yeah, the basic is on sale for $4.79, deluxe for $5.99, which. definitely cheap for a $ims game
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
the new toddler mechanics are super cute, too. And a handful. much like real life XD
5 years ago
That's super cheap holy shit.
5 years ago
Toddlers are also stinkin' adorable and I'm mad about it.
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
yeah, holy cow :-o do you know if that applies to expansions too?
I'm poking through on origins, and the expansions look normal priced so far
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
durn. but yeah I'd say it's worth it that cheao
oh no, some are on sale for looks from anywhere from 20-50%
Thx everybody!
5 years ago
papermint tiger
5 years ago
oh, hmm...
I think I'mma do it >.>
I mean. six bucks for deluxe. how can you beat that?
5 years ago
Do it do it.
papermint tiger
5 years ago
go for it!
is done :3
papermint tiger
5 years ago
5 years ago
See you on the other side, hon
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