[tumblr] fffffffffffft. so, jump onto tumblr for the first time since The Change. get a list of posts that 'may contain adult content and have been blocked.' half of them are Anita Blake
latest #25
Anita Blake without any actual adult content tho, fffffffffffft
Spooky Thoughts
5 years ago
I mean....................... fair
yeah, but this is like. a picture of the cross scar I (very badly) tried to do for a cosplay got flagged
(very , very badly)
or there's the pic of me holding my book haul when I completed my collection XD
not.... actually adult. XD
now the picture of my comic collection is a little more understandable, but, haha. even that's not actually adult
Tonberry King
5 years ago
Female, Presenting Novels
Tonberry King
5 years ago
nailed it~
.... yeeeeeeeeeeeah
.... okay, the picture from the Buffy comics they flagged is. kinda XD
/appeals it anyway, just to see
/eyeroll/ they flagged my cupping pictures. which are completely, one hundred percent sfw
ahhh, there we go. no more flagged posts, all appeals approved
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
it says there's a human behind it, but considering some of those appeals came back within seconds, I call liiiiiiiiiiies
DK Jump Scare
5 years ago
I’m sure they’re just as human as YouTube’s moderators. /nods
5 years ago
I got a picture of my cat flagged
5 years ago
They were really quick to respond to my review requests at least
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