5 years ago
So I had to go to an alcohol handling seminar for work. Walking distance from a metro station. Problem was, a few blocks away from the metro a dude started following me.
latest #10
5 years ago
Well, actually he was walking next is a premium name - but it could be yours!. I figure we're going the same way but he keeps pace with me. He's talking but I have my headphones in and talking men on the street are never good.
5 years ago
Eventually I want to tell him to fuck off. But I don't know if he'd try anything or get violent or yell.
5 years ago
But I finally see people at a cafe table and so I head into the coffee shop, figuring he won't follow me in. But he does.
5 years ago
I tell the girl behind the counter that he's been following me for several blocks and ask if she can do something. Kick him out so I can stay. He pipes up with "I wanted to see you safely to your destination." I WASN'T FEELING UNSAFE UNTIL HE STARTED FOLLOWING ME
5 years ago
He leaves, goes back the way we came. She offers to let me stay as long as I need to and gets me sugar water. I sip it and stay about ten minutes, but I gotta get to this seminar. I thank her and she walks me to the end if the block, in case he'd gone around and was waiting for me there. I don't know her name and I forgot the bane of the coffee shop but she
5 years ago
Is my goddamn hero. Girls protecting girls. Then I got a ride back to the station from a guy at work who was at the seminar too. Spent the entire time waiting for my friend to pick me up (after I saw a movie to pass time)
5 years ago
Jumpy and scared. At one point I heard a man yelling "Ma'am! Ma'am!" Again and again and I don't know if it was him or he was yelling at me but I got so terrified I nearly cried. I did cry a little at the coffee shop.
5 years ago
I have to go to that station every week. And I'm going to be jumpy and terrified for a long time now. I hate hate hate this!
5 years ago
And now that I can let myself feel things now that I'm home, I'm crying and having a mild anxiety attack
witch people
5 years ago
Shit, honey, I'm so sorry, that's such a mess. hugs so much
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