12% of a Star
5 years ago
okay. More. Nymph Yuuya ideas!
latest #9
12% of a Star
5 years ago
The dragon fruit arm is basically. The leaves growing out of his shoulder. And they’re huge so they p much cover his entire arm. And the fruits grow at the end of them so his right arm is weighed down and they fruits are just dragged around.
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Other giant leaves growing from vines around his waist for like. Mimicking/Being clothes.

Dragon shaped tree feet. Tree legs.
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Lantern fruit at his chest/in his chest. It glow. The brighter it glow the more HONGRY he is.
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Vine and leaf hair. Somehow. Sakaki leaves. Vines. Ivy vines? Hm. Vines and leaves grow on and in between. Because plant accuracy isn’t always needed.

Bark skin lookin like/shaped like Zarc’s drago plate skin whatever.
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Fog form is. Like. More Zarc imagery. Giant bark/tree dragon with him attached/embedded in it at the neck chest, from the waist down. And also his arms are attached too so he can’t move those. Tree dragon puppet thing has a whole crap load of other plants growing on it. Glowy mushrooms Being one of them.
12% of a Star
5 years ago
First Round will consist of: (1)Sleep paralysis, legs falling numb and limp and oh god he can’t feel his legs, fingers and mouth hurting really bad (to the point where it hurts to eat, drink, hold onto things).
12% of a Star
5 years ago
(2) A switching between need for lots of water and none at all. Because. Plants. A want/need to be in sunlight and just take a nap in the sun.
Hair falling out accompanied by headaches of course. Migraines usually sound-based so light is fine but loud noises are a ‘no’
12% of a Star
5 years ago
(3) oh yeah chest hurting, (hurt to breathe too maybe?) and all that cause yay internal plants!
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Left arm is all cherry tomatoes. Not a lot of weight on this arm. He’s lopsided. Oops.

Vine tendrils growing out of back can braid together to form a tail.
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