5 years ago
Dude IM'd me while I was at a hangout flirting and such, he seemed cute/relatively intelligent so I dropped him my contact card since I don't really add randos
latest #21
5 years ago
He got all pissy because I expected him to "randomly check and see if [you're] online whenever I want to talk/do stuff"
5 years ago
I just said "boy bye, miss me with that attitude" and instablocked
5 years ago
Oh he also said "move along with that weird shit or add me like a fucking adult"
5 years ago
quickest way to get blooooocked.
5 years ago
I don't owe you shit, random dude with interracial fetish heavily documented in your profile.
Kittyfox McMeep
5 years ago
I'll randomly add people if they try to add me after small talk...
Kittyfox McMeep
5 years ago
Then wait to see how long before they remove me or flip out because I never message them to talk again
Kittyfox McMeep
5 years ago
5 years ago
me too
5 years ago
Verinne and I chit chat every once in a blue moon in SL but we talk on plurk way more often i think
5 years ago
but idk it was just the whole entitlement to my time thing that really pised me off
5 years ago
pissed, i swear i can spell
Kittyfox McMeep
5 years ago
fretwerk: ^ but I'm a secret troll so i add them to see if they get salty lol
5 years ago
one of the many reasons i am antisocial on sl (rl too tbh) i never talk to anyone except four people IW, so i'm one of the "i never talk" club
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