[arcana is all I plurk about now] god the trinket scenes have been so cute
latest #61
I just got the two of everything
there is criminally little content of these three being such good pals
after con crunch mark my words I’m filling this void
it’s so cute!!! I’ll say nothing but there’s def more of that.
yeah I had four trinkets left but 200 coins lying around so I blew them on that... because the leeches were so hard to gather via wheel last time too
And I figure 200 coins is basically a paid scene
and these trinket scenes are quite a bit of content
worth it
godspeed get those trinkets
the leeches are awful
speaking of awful are the tarot readings meant to be randomized
I don’t have evidence because I used three up but I’VE HAD SIX JULIANS and I’ve only just finally gotten asra https://images.plurk.com/4QM9JFMzycZrlYHBpjJ9Ma.png
that’s because he won’t fucking leave MY phone
I’m so sorry
julian when asra finally finally beat him to my check-in: https://images.plurk.com/6gCtMHwIK8ISMBicLNb2CI.jpg
I’m trying to punish him via cold shoulder and not do any readings but it’s not working
nothing’s working send help
yes please bring my girl to me... and your boy home to you
I’ve only had one asra so he can come too... for now
but julian go home..........
I had like 6 of every nadia thing... and struggled so hard to get any of julian’s.
I also have a bunch of fausts
random machine broken, nix hydra
at least nothing matters anymore, you just need 100 of anything for the third (‘8
>this is when I start getting all coin rewards for spinning
wait I made this exploitable meme exactly for shit like this why am I slacking https://images.plurk.com/30wSvoJOHcFF06nIBtsx4x.png
so many sock fausts!!!
inevitably, we will all need 100
https://images.plurk.com/7ncNeQpt2p5hv7Ky8trDOh.png You cursed me
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