6 years ago
does anyone know if there's been an absinthe bar sets done in the last few years? I have a couple individual pieces from different creators but I'm looking for something more cohesive cause lazy.
latest #10
6 years ago
i have been looking for one for a while but haven't found anything that isn't from 2007 :-(
Miri/Jalynne says
6 years ago
damn if I didn't have a hate/hate relationship with straight lines...
6 years ago
I know someone was working on one, trying to remember who
Max Graf
6 years ago
I was just about to post that Kriss_Lehmann made a really nice one recently, but Amber beat me to it!
Miri/Jalynne says
6 years ago
ooh pretty although I was hoping to find something with all the bars and tables and opium cou...er I mean ambiance to go with it.
Miri/Jalynne says
6 years ago
ooooh now that has possibilities. I'll have to check it out! Thanks!
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