[art/arcana] I haven't posted art in a while and I've done 900,000 Arcana Things in the past month or so, I'm gonna collect
latest #168
peppered with MC
These are recent chapter spoilers
https://images.plurk.com/1sCb3fIWkcfVXON2bDyAqe.png https://images.plurk.com/6fhvGPVOfOup1sXywjSSHA.png
This was the most fun commission to do!!!!!
little bit lewd fyi
https://images.plurk.com/5em1pMUbuR0NGgqqabagaC.png https://images.plurk.com/4XpQeVtaxereUrLcmUItgg.png https://images.plurk.com/1kKiNPfSPFYHl5YiC49vuz.png
and some rp stuff, I'm down to true sketches dsfgh https://images.plurk.com/ZlloZ5mDQi6DBXvO76nG0.png https://images.plurk.com/6F4qkKNcTNG27MQqYaNlm1.png https://images.plurk.com/2eHWZizUo8eDouScRERZEF.png
there is a criminal lack of nadia here but I'm finishing her route
oh and some rowdy busts in an attempt at icons but I can't look at my own icons so it was a wash
the "I have given up" pants are a whole-ass mood
also that one draw up there was based on the best cosplay of all time https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuaY5ISUYAECQ2w.jpg
but more flatteringly he's probably the best julian I'll ever see.
true grace and beauty
I find myself increasingly pissed off by how fond I am of that lucio because I still don't even love to hate him, I'm just hate and annoyance
but it sure turned out
anyway I feel like I did more than this but at the same time wow this is a lot of arcana bs
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
so many nomo arts!!!!!!!
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
use your icons dammit
you can't make me!!
also based on a sampling of my most used icons so far none of them are the expressions I need more of flsddfsf
I played myself
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
behold my surplus of julians
thank you!
I've been collecting paid scenes slowly and I have so many more things I want to draw but convention crunch is upon me so I've slowed...
but I'm far from done here, clenches fist
deep in this hell.
I've been poking around out of order sdfsf but I think I've got the majority of julian's, I've got two more cgs to pick up... I think hellevator and hentai vines
but I've actually been heart hunting coins at a decent clip lately
I think I can hold out for the surprise, I say as if it's a surprise, knowing all the graphics.. .. from making icons.. thank you though!!
the words to go with the art will be a surprise
SCREAMS IM STUCK IN ARCANA HELL RN this makes me all so happy
i just started rping asra today and i'm like. i love this already
omg asra
welcome to hell
I need to step up my coin game bc I’m like “I need all of Asra’s everything thank u”
I definitely bought a bunch at first stares at my shameful pile of app store receipts
6 years ago
nemo these are hottt
6 years ago
so much art!!
https://images.plurk.com/UUMrxxSDO7LKpe5OxPneK.png https://images.plurk.com/3zr0NshdWqWaYjYQ1ytY9D.png https://images.plurk.com/6sBymkwu2woEjFVt6526xD.png
I have no time in my life for more than sketches rn but I must revive this to collect another handful of rp scribbles
how utterly into vampires he would be if this one hadn't succeeded in making it REAL WEIRD!!!!!!! THANKS
Also this is the most cursed meme I've produced in a long while
I so look forward to salty sailor cr though... even if it just goes like this...
https://images.plurk.com/52wql4frDXtnE3nkZnZ9sS.png https://images.plurk.com/11uQNVwAcqorwwkLhSZY0l.png https://images.plurk.com/56wkko72iOuJu4HUWGGS5z.png https://images.plurk.com/1sfP9jZLDs3wfP3WFfOo0V.png https://images.plurk.com/sJtRJkR3bK8Oj0aiTJwte.png
Also not sketches but the beginnings of my overly ambitious heart hunter cr chart... I really like how they turned out. I need to get back to this. after con crunch.
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
oh my god you're coloring everyone too
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
they're coming out super cute but i feel the pain in my very soul
honestly they're small and simple and therapeutic, I'm just v busy at the moment.
thank you though
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
cute... i can't wait to see the full cr chart tho
6 years ago
oh my god that is so much art
6 years ago
you are truly in hell
don’t look at me
https://images.plurk.com/213Cg0e4XGGNgmEUgSqqfj.jpg Friend
gathers more art, slowly
https://images.plurk.com/1qitjZtBCOaKodcZWqG0xb.png https://images.plurk.com/45D7eLPeRGUaThOGYGIJpd.png
first draw is lewd and I can't share the rest of it but I'm a super big fan of this new brush for sketches................. second draw is just dumb drunks.
this is just the me drawing julian plurk forever now.
I think once you develop a formula for drawing a character's weird hair it's a sign you've drawn them too much
I'm gonna be drowning everyone in rp art after katsu, don't worry
u can count on it
also this isn't me art and I'm not an enormous fan of sprite editing but I saw one with two faces slapped together and god it's an incredibly applicable emotion https://imgs.plurk.com/Qwu/6Af/22G7g0llTNcUVondZFLTdd0NBe4_lg.png
I've needed an icon of this like 50 times so far
this is the "great everyone here does magic and it's getting to the point where I just have to stand here and accept it" expression
same.................. grips your shoulder and weeps
I could get a lot of mileage out of slapping sprites together but also I'm allergic to VN sameface icons so even then I only have a couple that aren't from his memory art.....
I tried drawing icons but I hate looking at my own icons
why is icon life so hard
blessed manga...
all pictures
I feel it though, rp is about the writing so it shouldn't matter and doesn't matter but it does tho
yeah hff...
I made one icon of fanart but it was really emulating the official style... I couldn't make a bunch of them.
I need to take a crack at drawing my own again sfdsfg
it's very good!!!
sure go for it! let me get the credit for you
jilljoycearts on tumblr
np np! it's honestly my new favorite icon
and weh... thank you
I'm definitely gonna take another crack at it, I'd like to do icon commissions someday so I have to get them to look... good
I'm glad it brings someone joy
GOOD SAME... all I've had time and energy for has been messy sketches the past month but I can't wait to get back to doing finished art
definitely!! I've done a few normal commissions and I'm always up for those but icons are a strange beast... trying to get my art to read well super small has been a struggle.
but someday
LMAO AT LAST.... he heard you talking shit and had to come make up for it...
I have some regrets but I was possessed
it's 5am goodnight
god I forgot about this
he’s too pleased
it’s a Look
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