6 years ago
It is kind of a dumb thing, but I'm sort of proud of how I've progressed at making posters (and doing other texture work.) I cringe a bit when looking at my older stuff, now, and while that's unpleasant, it's also a fair signal that I could do better now than I could then. And that's nice.
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Nothing dumb about being proud of becoming skilled at a new thing, that is awesome.
Chav says
6 years ago
Everyone improves! A lot of my older stuff is appalling!
6 years ago
And it's just fun to do, too! Writing is my main jam, of course, but I'm so invested in it that I rankle at mistakes and fret about sharing the work. With the graphic-design-like stuff, I don't expect so much of myself, so I don't feel as bad about making mistakes or as ashamed of sharing stuff because "it should be better - more specifically, flawless."
6 years ago
And that gives me the latitude to actually, y'know. Learn.