5 years ago
1. What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e... can I do this too, how does this work
latest #38
5 years ago
for OCs or Lascelles?
5 years ago
Of course you can do this too!
5 years ago
What you do, is - if people might not be familiar with your characters, you post character names (if oc, perhaps you might want to link to their journal if they are new, etc)
5 years ago
And then people post the character names they are curious about, with a number or list of numbers behind that name, and you answer the questions that go along with the number.
5 years ago
Yeah nobody knows my characters, might know Lascelles. I didn't see anyone else linking to theirs, but that's because they're already familiar.
5 years ago
yes links would be good!
nan says
5 years ago
Festus Hunnicutt, 10! Father Bates, 13! Ruben Tam Sherman, 4! Prudence Gao, 14! Amber Goldman, 6! Lady Phyllida, 21! Miss Pratt, 8! Aaaaand Lascelles, 29!
5 years ago
<3 You love me and feel pity for my sad newbie butt
5 years ago
Prudence: 7, 8, 20, 21
5 years ago
we've all been newbies, and we've all had new characters and been nervous. you are really doing fine! believe me you're not alone, we've all been there.
5 years ago
Festus 10. If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
You get almost everywhere in London on the underground, it's faster and if the time of day is right, there's more space to carry a fragile 18x24 inch picture frame.
5 years ago
aww ty bfbbs <3
5 years ago
Bates 13. Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something?
Studying in university, before the seminary, Jude had been reading and taking notes for most of the day, bending his brain to make an internally consistent argument about Wittgenstein while some asshole played raggae outside at top speaker capacity.
5 years ago
He found himself staring at the page and not understanding the words--and not just ones Wittgenstein made up. He went out for a walk and a smoke to clear his head, but words wouldn't start working again until the next morning.
5 years ago
I'd be online more but I'm training someone tonight. So I've really got to keep my mind on work right now
5 years ago
and I'm actually working rn XD
5 years ago
Reuben: 4. Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
He uses "baby" affectionately and did so even before travelling through America.
5 years ago
Being a poet, he can be careful with his words, especially when he's nervous or under pressure. He can't let it show, can't let anyone see him be anything other than perfect, especially later in his career when he's starting to feel his presumed genius slipping away.
5 years ago
So he speaks clearly and using few words, avoiding repetition. He's more verbose when he's drunk or relaxed.
5 years ago
Prudence: 14. Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo?
If she could, she could do everything by herself with no help, but that's not how things work. She's a good team-mate to have, honest, communicative and focused--which is how she often ends up doing all the work anyway.
5 years ago
Amber: 6. If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your character, what would it be and why?
Hot n' Cold but, like, the Baseballs cover version because she's a tiny bit retro (and because it's better than the Katy Perry version).
5 years ago
Phyllida: 21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
For her dogs to have human lifespans and be immune to disease. For Chucks to finally be happy with his cultivated roses instead of forever pruning and crossing, good Lord, how he does go on.
5 years ago
And oh, perhaps an end to the hostilities in Europe, but only if it results in triumph for the king and a renewed license to shop in Paris.
5 years ago
(can you tell she is my most loquacious muse)
5 years ago
Miss Pratt: 8. Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
The latter. Anna's thinking is slowed down by second-guessing herself. It gets worse with anxiety. If a conclusion is particularly anxiety-inducing, it may only come to her when the glacial mass of it has become too great to be born. That's never fun.
5 years ago
Lascelles: 29. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?
Mr Lascelles of course attends many dinners, balls and soirees, during which he does his best to appear elegantly bored.
5 years ago
He is naturally neither an introvert nor an extravert; love of gossip and the need to remain in control drives him out of his lair even when temper and/or disgust for all humanity drove him into it in the first place. But if he is writing, he can remain enclosed for days.
5 years ago
Prudence: 7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
Positive so long as she keeps going, keeps functioning, keeps winning. Failure or limitation makes her angry. Contemplation of her moral failures she avoids; it's a weak point.
5 years ago
Prudence: 8. Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts?
Quick thinker. It can sometimes lead her to jump to conclusions, but she is pedantic enough to check up on her conclusions later, when it's important.
5 years ago
Prudence: 20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
Her colleague Jimmy, probably. He gets her goat. ...Or Trump. Maybe Pence. She'd have to do some research on that point.
5 years ago
Prudence: 21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
Get back with Violet. A democrat for a president. No more cancer scares for her aunt.
5 years ago
That was fun. :-) :-)
nan says
5 years ago
These are all awesome and Phyllida's cracks me up.
nan says
5 years ago
(I have definitely had the Words No More Wordsense experience.) (it's disconcerting)
5 years ago
Yesss that was based on personal experience
nan says
5 years ago
/fistbump of shared cognitive squirreliness
5 years ago
It was too much study with too much noise, the worst time, but I was studying pretty intensely so brain noped out more mildly at other times too
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