12% of a Star
5 years ago
Anyone wanna hand wave threads (that Roxy was in) in December/plan January w me?
latest #10
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Haven’t done a rys plurk / any planning for it in what feels like so long oof
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Except that change thread with Reira. Cause. Hunger. Gotta rp that crap outtie.
12% of a Star
5 years ago
The changelog including the museum as like hey this is a thing and it’s changed to include the new peeps has me :>
12% of a Star
5 years ago
Oh yeah. Roxy will have her books back now. :-D
haunted nipples
5 years ago
Would you rather handwave our thread or keep it going?
12% of a Star
5 years ago
We can hand wave it if youre good with it. possibly have a thread sometime where they meet up again or something :3
haunted nipples
5 years ago
If you wanna have the freedom for new threads thats cool with me!
12% of a Star
5 years ago
: 3
12% of a Star
5 years ago
If you wanna throw Danger mom at me again just hit me here ;3
haunted nipples
5 years ago
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