Phogue wonders
15 years ago
if the world ends, should we worry?
latest #12
Brendizzle says
15 years ago
yes, for sure\
TayBre249 says
15 years ago
paul, that would be the one time that I do worry... :-D
ShaCarlay says
15 years ago
you shouldn't worry unless you have something to worry about....
Elizabeth11 says
15 years ago
If the world ends...we wouldn't be able to worry.
KyleW says
15 years ago
KyleW says
15 years ago
so dont worry be happy :-)
JxOxN says
15 years ago
BrendanS says
15 years ago
I agree with Elizabeth11
Elizabeth11 says
15 years ago
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
interesting question....what would you worry about?
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
what would you be mad at missing?
KyleW says
15 years ago
you couldnt be mad at missing something there would be nothin to miss
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