5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
[Trigger warning? Suicidal stuff and The mental care system] I have just come out of a stress center with a new lease on life and that is. Never again thanks.
latest #20
5 years ago
Jesus that place is.... disquieting, and boring and waves hands Likely not actually all that helpful.
5 years ago
I's humiliating and terrifying, just getting into the unit. And I get it, why it's like that but jesus there has got to be other ways to screen people these days. Lets make the people who feel like they wanna die.... More like they wanna die.
5 years ago
It's freezing in that place too. It may be better in summer? but fall and winter? Jesus. I already have problems leaving my bed guys. Seriously?
5 years ago
There's no way to tell time except for going out into the halls. But they wont wake you for meals. That shit is up to you good luck. I will say that the food is fucking great and theres a lot. always. The dinning room is stocked well with snacks.
5 years ago
But no spoons.
5 years ago
No coffee unless you order it at meals but there is always water and thats good.
5 years ago
There's nothing to Do. And what there is to do you have to do it around everyone else and thats sometimes actually painful.
5 years ago
I got very very lucky with the batch I was in thank god. The people in there with me were good folks for the most part so it was actually less painful then it may have been. The people that were coming in as my batch started to leave..........
5 years ago
aggressive folks mostly. A Few were actually frightening.
5 years ago
Strangely. There were far more men there. Also strangely they were far less of an issue. I had a few times when a man happened to be standing behind me that triggered me... But otherwise I felt fairly relaxed with them. It was some of the girls that worried me more.
5 years ago
Back to the point. Theres shit all to do.
5 years ago
I was lucky not to be a fall risk ( laughs ) and could get into the exercise room. SO I could do Something. But other then that I mostly had solitaire or puzzles or staring off into space.... Which was the case for everyone and that's horrid.
5 years ago
And they wouldn't wake us for meals, nope. But For groups they sure did. Brightly chattering drivel I already know or harder lecturing that actually made me cry, again, seriously with the humiliating guys. What the fuck?
5 years ago
But for the most part. If you keep your head down, go to groups, and look even relatively put together, your out in 4-5 days if you have a place to go. ( or someone willing to say you do) If you're even slightly manipulative or intelligent you can fuck off without them even blinking or getting anything out of it.
5 years ago
Thankfully I'm a person with actually a normally firm grip on myself and not actually Suicidal ( And Instantly tend to reach out if I even borderline think of myself dying) Because....I got nothing from this place but a pretty owl piggy bank I painted and a week away from my Family ( Aside from the worst shit it was in fact relaxing not to do shit.)
5 years ago
And that's Terrifying.
I just saw this now, but I'm sorry things have been so rough for you lately.
lila ☆
5 years ago
Also only just saw this I hope you're doing a bit better now...
duck bastard
5 years ago
I also just saw this (what the fuck plurk), and I can only echo what everone else is saying
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