5 years ago
I am now on Discord! Don't have a mic yet but I can still chat and RP. I'm ladynero815 #7309 if anyone eants to add me to their friends!
latest #7
Angry Popoto
5 years ago
Hmmm, I'm trying to send a friend request, and it doesn't seem to find you...
5 years ago
what's yours? I'll send a friend request.
Angry Popoto
5 years ago
I'm Aiko Namika#9452
5 years ago
I did put (Abel Nightlord) after ladynero815. Could that be the reason?
5 years ago
friend request sent!
5 years ago
I'm still figuring this thing out.
Angry Popoto
5 years ago
No prob! And it's always a bit weird sometimes.
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