6 years ago
latest #108
6 years ago
There's the epilogue!
6 years ago
Feel free to post your threads around, no need to wait for the computer to be destroyed/if it'll be destroyed
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
6 years ago
Also: all the animals are stored on the disk with extra minds! Nobody's pet is lost, they'll just need to be transferred into bodies a bit later!
6 years ago
just to double check, would characters have the items they had on their person intact and unnerfed i assume :0
It's Nick
6 years ago
Feel free to explore Cartesio all you want!
It's Nick
6 years ago
It's Nick
6 years ago
Powers unnerfed, items obtained
6 years ago
It's Nick
6 years ago
Thank the 3D printer
quarter trauma
6 years ago
hoo boy gonna have to crash in here the minute I’m feeling less dead
It's Nick
6 years ago
By the way, about those new powers. Careful with them. Pretty doubtful you'd have them 100% right away or anything because...well...obvious reasons, yeah?
It's Nick
6 years ago
It'd take a looooong while to get to anything close to that
It's Nick
6 years ago
Right away you should have the inklings, but yeah, full powers may not be for the best
Pᴀɴ Hᴇɴɢ
6 years ago
new powers?
That probably IS for the best. They need an adjustment period
lmfao the survivor pool got to give themselves other people's superpowers
copy and pasted into their new bodies
Niwatori gave herself a shit ton of them
Pᴀɴ Hᴇɴɢ
6 years ago
oh fun
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
I'm glad our animal companions aren't getting left behind many people took hawks wings, outta curiosity. Kino obv
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
I'm still deciding if Niwa took them or if she decided they'd be cumbersome......
You are free to weigh in on this LOL
Kino took them first and she was like ooooh that is a good idea
I MEAN considering hawks can take some feathers off Niwa could technically make them smaller and store the extra in her feather ruff or cape or something
That's cute what the heck
Repair her cape with new feathers
but that would take some brain power space, like multitasking
since each feather is controlled telepathically
oh my god lmfao
she might have to train to get to that point, since default is to have them attached to wings
She is going to have so much training to do in general since she took like. Five powers if we include the wings
Which is not mentioning the one she already had
SHRUGS I've spent a lot of time thinking about how hawks wings work LOL
did she really take that many
Niwa just
quarter trauma
6 years ago
okay important question the park still exists, right
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
actually maybe I should edit my toplevel to include Hermes
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
Look, she was in a much worse murdergame than this one
She was in a kill-until-one-person-is-left murdergame
no trials just murder
you know people who have more than one quirk usually end up in a v bad place Niwa is in for a Time(tm)
6 years ago
The park exists yes!
quarter trauma
6 years ago
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
can we have prompts that assume enough time has passed for retrieving/printing people... and things
Please talk to me about how screwed she is because she absolutely deserves it
6 years ago
Sure thing, just note the passage of time in the prompt!
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Sadly, Fort Milliarms and St. Keet are both back in the simulation...
Pᴀɴ Hᴇɴɢ
6 years ago
Nine's abilities actually rely on either a crystal existing or soul augmentation. deathdesu here you go, this is what happens
thanks for joining the zombie army
And Azura's rely on her pendant so. Huh, half the abilities Niwa took won't work on technicalities
She's just gonna be like, Oh Well
Cause she actually did try to grab Nine's since she liked the RPG Aesthetic LOL
So that makes literally half that won't work
probably a good thing if you look at Zombies
What is it that makes them go zombo, anyway
Too many quirks fighting in the body, iirc. Like two have to mesh a certain way which causes them to fuse, which is how Bakugou’s quirk is from his parents. More than two causes either instant death or zombie automatically, and two that don’t mesh cause it. From what I remember, been a bit since I read those canon arcs
Also if she has the wings I really am not sure anyway can automatically know how to use them, since it’s a new type of limb. The wings also have smaller secondary abilities including sensory stuff which might be hell to process, esp on top of the control each feather thing.
Since it’s hawks quirk his body is suited to this quirk, but Niwa’s (and kino’s tbh) would probably have a very rough time of it
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
Yeah maybe Niwa just looked at this in the code and was like, Nah
It would be hard to concentrate between Control Every Feather AND Control The Birds
She still has eye of the cormorant, so maybe that means she's good at micromanaging shit tons of tiny details, but this would double them
Yeah that’s another good point
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Now I'm imagining Niwa with fused powers and her feathers changing color to match the birds she's commanding
that'd be sick
Sometimes she just controls a variety of birds at the same time though, in the anime they mostly stick to crows but in the novel she attacked someone with just. crowd of random bird species
and of course the pitohuis
people with dabi's quirk have fun burning yourself rofl
you want a fire quirk you shoulda had shouto in game or even endeavor (no , no one wants endeavor)
but what ginshi said, quirks generally mesh with the person's body cuz if they dont its real bad and thats basically what happened with dabi :|a.
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Man imagine if they were allowed to copy hostage powers
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Everyone is the Avatar now
The birds are more a single command given to many birds, she’s not telling them to do each wingbeat to fly right? Cause that’s how hawks controls the feathers. Each one gets individual constant instruction, spread over dozens to hundreds of feathers. EXTREME multitasking
Yeah it's not that extreme. So she will probably leave that one alone
Take on Mint
6 years ago
all you people with your powers, I'll get my completely normal kiddo up soon
yo, so. given that olympia's "biology" is different from the others, will she have any kind of unusual waking-up experience or pretty much the same?
Take on Mint
6 years ago
(hi, I played Nagisa in mock week, I have had a blast popcorning you)
6 years ago
Pretty much the same, she's a wonderfully functioning robot just appearing!
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
SilverStilletto: HELLO PROPS TO YOU
6 years ago
6 years ago
I also didn't technically say she took Dabi's fire powers so she'll probably just take Mako's like all the other sane people are doing
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
I'm so glad someone played from AssClass and I stared at the ceiling for a good minute wondering if Kino should die when I realized that was the only way I could've gotten CR
Take on Mint
6 years ago
ftr it was nagisa's blood on people's walls way back when
I assume Nagisa is who Niwatori played poker against
Take on Mint
6 years ago
yes indeed!
Take on Mint
6 years ago
there we go I got a top-level up.....I get off work in two hours so I'll be more active then
Take on Mint
6 years ago
....right I also wrote up most of the description of Fort Millium and St. Keet Manyweapons of Cartesio, Patron of Shoppers and Yelling, I hope you guys enjoyed that
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Also imagine this group just walking into one of the buildings to get something to eat and shocking the real Cartesio citizens
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Man imagine this group walking into the real Cartesio diner and shocking all the residents
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
"We have had a doozy of a day"
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Also, are we going to get a final love meme/kink meme?
there will be a love meme put up tomorrow! Er, today, as well as a feedback post.
Nick needed himself a little rest, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
Oh yeah definitely understandable
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