6 years ago
latest #32
It's Nick
6 years ago
In other words, you guys got the best possible conclusion to the Cartesio townspeople factor
It's Nick
6 years ago
You guys worked really hard all these weeks, eh? Actions like sparing the diner from further burning, or trying a more diplomatic approach in the graveyard, and now succeeding at tonight's event, the attempts to not break further a town and society that was treating everyone like dirt sure says a lot.
It's Nick
6 years ago
Honestly, I was a bit concerned things were getting a bit too grim at times, but you managed to pull through. Way to go, everyone!
It's Nick
6 years ago
Want to know what was the worst case scenario we had planned for you?
quarter trauma
6 years ago
just fuck me up
6 years ago
I sure want to know
It's Nick
6 years ago
The townspeople were going to burn down the motel after the trial this week
It's Nick
6 years ago
That was worst-case scenario
quarter trauma
6 years ago
oh neato
quarter trauma
6 years ago
WE SAVED OUR BEDS YOU GUYS! ("we" milly's been a corpse for several weeks now)
It's Nick
6 years ago
You can imagine just how badly things would have gotten if that had been something the townspeople resorted to, hah
good work, everyone!
quarter trauma
6 years ago
but yes... all our acts of goodwill... like giving them new statues and buildings!
6 years ago
It's Nick
6 years ago
despite bakugous best attempts to destroy cartesio you managed to pull through
It's Nick
6 years ago
I still can't believe he demolished three places in total, haha
It's Nick
6 years ago
Well, two and a half, guess a fire station wall isn't a place
6 years ago
6 years ago
clearly we just need more disasters
2020 Vision
6 years ago
Gj everyone!... And Bakugou.
Lightning Bolt
6 years ago
dabi's grateful for bakugou
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
omfg bakugou
6 years ago
oh no, we fucked up. max chaos ending!!
6 years ago
no i kid this is good???
6 years ago
Pᴀɴ Hᴇɴɢ
6 years ago
two and half far
Pᴀɴ Hᴇɴɢ
6 years ago
6 years ago
Almost forgot, the other four players receive their videos this time
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