6 years ago
Hey everyone! Since we're reaching the end, we'd like to check in about investigation times!
latest #10
6 years ago
We had our survey a few weeks back, but since only a few more investigations are going to happen, we thought it would be a good idea to ask if the current time still works for our current survivors.
6 years ago
Is noon still good for you, for this coming week? Would another time be better? Etc.
6 years ago
It's good for me!
chock fulla woe
6 years ago
it's what works best for me for sure!
Snowdrops ミ☆
6 years ago
the later time (like with missions) fits better with my work schedule but I can do either
6 years ago
Noon works best for me
I'm always up for a later time since I'm PST but noon works
6 years ago
my preference is still noon, but i'm fine with switching it to later times if that would allow for more people to participate
that'll still work with me
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