You learn really fast so here's another tip: tag me with an @ before my name.
It took me years to learn what you seem to have absorbed overnight.
It's part of my job to understand esoteric computer systems.
This place is borderline hallucinogenic but it shares some common themes with the familiar mundane.
Yes, but do not be deceived; it's as strange as it seems. There's nothing else like it that I know of, and I check around frequently.
I forgot to look if you tinkered with the code.
Atropos is another computer person and can help you get rid of the offending badge, unless you'd prefer to play with it yourself.
He's one of my oldest friends and one of the few plurkers I've actually met. He will probably Friend you on sight.
He lives 3000 miles away but took vacation time in California last year.
I suspect Ursula’s referring to the Plurk creature that appears in the timeline space by default, but I’m not sure. I have a fairly-customized layout that I pinched from someone else years ago and then went to town on. You’re welcome to borrow the CSS and modify it to your heart’s content, if you like.
You mentioned a badge about needing encouragement last night. If it doesn't bother you any more, go ahead and leave it.
I couldn't bear to remove the headless dog. The tail tells me it's too happy to remove!
I think a lot of the plurk images are unpleasant, but I'm inured to them by now.
Yes, I can see how you would feel that way. Have you looked at the choices?
You get to choose among a few right now. As you gain "karma" (ugh) you have more choices.
They're all pretty gross.
They are definitely coming from non-Western “norms,” if not non-terrestrial.
Yes. If you've seen Naver's Line Messenger, it's from similar cultural roots.
Never even heard of it. Now I have to go google it.
I hadn’t heard of it, either. I tend to be very conservative in my use of communications tools, though, so it’s not surprising.
It looks interesting. I have no use for it. But I can see what
simplypeachy means about the art, though plurk art is a little more edgy, if you can call it taht.
a lot of seemingly-weird design choices until one understands it's not programmed by Americans.
Many Americans are foolishly insular. But you knew that.
Plurk started off as either American or Canadian, I forget which, but moved to Japan since that's where their biggest fan base is.
Ooh, that's interesting. I assume that directed their design and aesthetic choices?
simplypeachy: The design was like this from the beginning...actually, very little has changed in the 10 years, although karma is much gentler now than it was then (you had to plurk at least twice a day or it'd start dropping back then).
Their design aesthetic has changed—in some ways more subtly than others. They’ve always had the strange creatures, but I think their ‘design language’ has solidified and gotten more coherent (even if garish by our standards) as their development team has matured.
I think I can see how they'd be reluctant to change such a unique scheme
There's something chaotically adorable about this place.
It reminds me the most of what IRC was, back in the day; the nice people here are genuinely nice and I’m lucky to have met several from around the world. We can be completely silly or have long, involved conversations on abstruse topics. It’s a virtual Kaffeeklatsch with the people you want to talk to.
Yes, that was the impression I gathered.
ASCII-art replaced by retro animated GIFs (-:
The ASCII is still in use.
Atropos is one of the 3 plurkers I've met in real life.
if there's a secret handshake
I'm not sure how this translates to a non-British audience, but one of my IRC friends I first met under the clock at Waterloo Station
We really ought to develop a secret handshake.
Here, it's on top of the Empire State Building in NY,.
If there were ever a chance we'd meet in person, Tove, I'd invent exactly the right handshake on the spot. Except you don't know what I look like so it will have to be very obvious.
I couldn't see him (G`Funk) despite his promises he was waving his arms around. I then realised this short, slight young man waving his arms around. I'd assumed he was over 6'.
If the handshake carries ice creams, I'll consider it obvious.
It's hard to tell if you don't talk about it ahead of time. Though
Atropos and
lemongrass and
Brassclockwork all knew what to expect and had no trouble finding me.
What kinds of ice creams do you like?
I could pick you out of a crowd of other gingers, Tove. No question of that.
I'd be the one stood next to a loaded-down bicycle.
Very good. Preference noted. I am relieved.
Loaded down with ice creams?
There'll probably be a bottle of port secreted in there somewhere.
OKay. Never had port. I'm willing.
...never? Goodness me. You're missing out on a most luxuriant experience.
I'll have to try it. Give me a description and I'll consider it for next time we collaborate on anything.
sef_lopod might could create wearable ice-cream.