6 years ago
[commissions] https://66.media.tumblr.com/5d01ec9caa1d0cda7a6ce15e4b81983d/tumblr_p55n10nGRD1qggphgo1_r2_1280.png https://66.media.tumblr.com/72034b4f090863b89cc85ebd7500552b/tumblr_p55n10nGRD1qggphgo2_r1_1280.png Opening commissions to try and cover some unpaid sick time + my partner's unpaid Thanksgiving days. More examples and details inside.
latest #6
mecha jesus
6 years ago
Additional details on my Tumblr. Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "Commission" detailing what you’re interested in – style, extras, and what you would want drawn. Payment will be upfront through Paypal invoices.
mecha jesus
6 years ago
(You can also PM me on my main plurk, nauticals, or hit me up on Discord @ Tyrian#8117)
mecha jesus
6 years ago
Additional examples:
https://66.media.tumblr.com/a62dde434bbacc0104952921b904f717/tumblr_pflj9h4a4h1qggphgo1_1280.png flats
https://66.media.tumblr.com/6769273eb423d8d34beb217780d07e8c/tumblr_pcv7p6pdt21qggphgo1_1280.png shaded
https://66.media.tumblr.com/bc973a37e8cdad58f825fa13329e2b6b/tumblr_p7q775AGHl1qggphgo1_1280.png cel shading
mecha jesus
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
I posted this a few days ago but I'm reposting because my partner just informed me that he won't be paid for Thanksgiving or Black Friday, as the office will be closed, so it's become a little more necessary.
mecha jesus
6 years ago
I know it's a rough time for people money-wise with the holidays coming up, but even a replurk is appreciated <3
garfs per min
6 years ago
Thank (also what, he should get PTO or something :/ )
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