all praise our lord and savior keith
and now you understand why you couldn’t die yet
not by getting murdered but by this
It’s official Keith is the protag this can never be topped
We were crying last night like... "okay, so everything has gone to shit, the police station is heavily damaged, that's the tone of the week and then... Keith's chiseled abs"
...congrats guys, i think keith is just going to stay in his room forever now
I'm glad he has a bear trap
My mind is just not comprehending.
nanette's at the motel door, huh
laughing so hard at the newspaper
This is a good trial run for mha canon \o/
official police statement: "we give up"
Honestly, when the game was being planned, we hadn't planned all the NPCs to get so beaten down by circumstances
Thanks a lot, everyone, you broke them
i feel so bad for nanette...
who wants to help me connect the dots to solve the puzzle
who wants to clean out the shooting ones
i wish keith would uh.. actually try this shit
but he just wants to go to the refinery to see if he can find rean again
would that be possible, mods?
Depends on what you want to do
i was thinking of posting a top level tomorrow :/
time to drag keith to the carnival
i can't believe they're going on an actual date
it's not a date if neither of them call it that!!
dates don't have to be romantic
somehow becomes the subject of the next newspaper
but yes, please drag keith to the carnival he will 100% never go if left to his own devices and I would love carnival shenanigans
And a few of you will find something in your rooms when you wake up. The others will find their videos on Thursday
my brain is v sleepy let's see if I can do anything
also I hope this means Hermes got to sass Sarge in a bored, innocent tone
Based on what I have heard he's like, he definitely did
Enjoy the carnage, Kino. Sarge isn't the best when it's about one-on-one conversations as you know very well, haha
honestly part of me just wants sarge to have dealt with lance babbling at him in some fashion
"Ehhhh, you're so cruel, locking me up without anyone to let me run. I thought Kino was bad enough waking me up early. This is abusive to motorrads, you know."
"Well, in the meantime, you can at least talk to me right? It's pretty boring for a motorrad to sit around with nothing to do. Yes, yes, please tell me all about yourself sir."
falls asleep during the conversation.
'its an incentive not a show of my social failures' says sarge
'how did this go wrong how did i screw up'
lance all like, "what're you hiding your face for, Sarge? Bad break out? I can help you with that, you know. Or oooh! You're totally a pretty girl under those shadows right? That's totally a thing in movies."
lance and hermes are menaces
god I guess I'm doing another top level so Kino can burst out laughing at Hermes
"talking highly" he's just going to complain about her beating him awake because banging on him is the only way to wake him up some mornings
lmao i need to actually make up my mind on who is the person on the cd
obvs it should be slav maru
everyone chooses someone who would annoy the fuck out of Sarge
Nervous laughter at Keith and Natalie tree convo increases