that sure is a suspect list!
Just like last time, vote for as many characters as you consider necessary
Keith is perpetually a suspect
unless he has finally graduated to murderrr
whoever gets found for dazai’s murder will have a warm welcome in the graveyard
wow, this makes two weeks in a row and three total of keith being suspected
clearly there's something shady about that boy
Nanette's the one assembling the suspect lists
I genuinely cannot tell whether that's a joke
That was a joke, by the way. She isn't
it seems like it should be but that also seems entirely plausible
keith is just endlessly shady
the nanette thing is so real
Does Keith get a prize for being on the suspect list the most
I'm laughing at Kino's response
'Just another day of this crap'
Sorry, everyone, the gun was on the vicinity of Wayne hunting knives have serrated edges
from a quick google search i think it varies :0
probably best to ask for mod clarification
mods jsyk the trial podiums image is not actually updated
don't look to your right niwa there's a ghost oda
Yeah now only Bolin or Gant needs to die and everyone is on their own
Ha ha man Keet sure gets around
Then stop wording it like thaaaat XP
this trial is going so well..
yippee kie yay, yippee kie yo, ghost oda in the trial
Actually uh this occurred to me somewhat late but what time does everyone go out to find the body, actually?
The time varies as we've had different discoveries. This week it would've been around 6 or 7 AM.
Also, sorry for the delay on the podium update! It's corrected now.
trying to decide if we need a catherd thing to try and work out if there's 1 vs 2 killers here
i think we might also need to do a gun check since there wasn't a gun found near dazai, right?
That was an oversight on our part. A gun would've been found underneath the toppled bookcase. Our apologies, everyone!
oh that... kinda clears things up. gun belonging to dazai?
teishu took them, sorry guys
For some reason, guns were just completely slipped our mind.
first the lemons and now the guns
He's learning from the Sage to hoarde things
officially home and here if people need hawks somewhere as I figure out what's going on!!
a top level for interrogation would be good!
well okay that clears up a lot at least but yeah a new toplevel would def be nice
danidanidanica Looking over the trial, we're going to rule with the colder temperatures at night it's likely a body would cool faster than Kino's estimations.
Okay, this is good to know!
Would that have effected the rate of rigor mortis setting in?
Yeah, assume that would've set in faster as well.
which may in turn be a question mods,... woops
oh i replied to kino, but idk if you saw. SMELL FOR SMOKE TOO
I'm not sure what to think of Wayne's other injuries. If there was only one or two, I'd guess they threw the knife to try and get him down first, but...
Keith not everyone throws their weapons
people throw knives all the time
I like how Hawks has a topless icon
You were ready for this weren't you?
i'm so glad you pointed it out
yes i've been ready for this
It's a murdergame, he's going to have to strip at some point ohoho
Natalie and Keith are cute
hopefully Keith doesn't die here
im trying to figure out how to word this but i might just link a pic anyway \o
Oso might be a better pick since he's not a suspect
Kino in deadpan: Wow Keith I can't believe you're covered in these incredibly incriminating injuries, how could you.
The entire gallery starts murmuring: 'i knew it, of course it was him'
I'm relying now natalie i just gotta find out how to word details about the wings bc mha is weird
oh my god, keet has never done a thing wrong
also i can't believe oso's the one who finally broke the news to keet that kino is a boy
Wayne died not knowing this fact
He stripped in front of a girl and he doesn't even know....
Frt how many people in the game knew this before now
some people caught on finally when Robert used female pronouns, but I think that's when the majority did
hawks knew!! I think he was one of the first in cart
Hawks figured it out when he picked her up for a flight, Dazai knew right away because he's Dazai
I'm not sure if others picked up besides that :|a
I clicked the link in the Hawks' post and my first thought was chicken wings........
i call them chicken wings all the time
gibarta can confirm
...I am sorry dabi is an ass for the sake of being an ass
i feel like we could probably use a catherd
yeah that seems like a good idea
if anyone wants to toss one up
i would but i might need to lay down for a bit
I can write up some stuff
does someone want me to do it? I figured generally suspects don't tho
im sorry keith keeps makig kino have to ping the mods
walks back what did I miss
Time to burn it to the ground
please do not burn this place to the ground
as i said in the beginning, whoever killed dazai will get a warm welcome from oda
I guess that would be a warm welcome indeed
I'm so glad I refreshed when I did
that's a brilliant capture dani
gy gonna be lit
id say i hope someone pulls them apart but that might not be so smart
nine is there for all your not-smart ideas
one transformers (2007) later I am finally back to paying attention to this and I see y'all have successfully found about a culprit and a half
I knew Hawkes was involved when I saw Wayne’s cuts and remembered what Mighty Wings
45 minutes before the voting phase ends!
I've been banking v hard on no one but us being canon familiar to the manga for weeks
Also I just realized this. Might. Hurt the truce thing a little...

hes waiting for you too
I'm just catching up now and
Are you forgetting the chicken wings?
how badly I want to make dumb jokes about his wings
ohhhhhh i understand the bullets now
Still want to dumb joke but not sure if can yet
Man Bakugouks gonna love this
there were so many really good touches to the evidence in this case
Franciscus yelling "RAZOR WING" all the way from deadland
Finally, Wayne basically kicked a porcupine
Ok so I'm guessing from this Dabi and Hawks were a Thing, so is it gonna be mafia boyfriends versus super boyfriends in the GY now
Yes, they were
a double date you mean a doubles fight
Wayne the poor single dude in this mess
Uhh there are a couple of threads you might want to avoid for canon stuff
IT'S OKAY i gave up. it was too juicy
LOL im glad it was juicy!!!
Okay technically it should be Steel Wing
Always get that mixed up with Razor Wind
if only hawks was a plant type
Wayne: These two pairs of boyfriends are fighting cause one killed the other's bf... Who overheard me dying and ran out to help...
Way to burn that bridge Hawks
I'm going for maximum pain to myself and others
max pain is always a good goal
... i’m on phone so i’m not editing for icons SORRY OSO BOLIN ISNT THAT HAPPY ABOUT VOLUNTEERING
c'mon sarge, give us the max pain

i'm so glad i refreshed at the right moment
LMASDGOADSKLJ I couldn't resist. this is the max pain that dazai loves and supports. he's glad you all came to understand him after his death
It really is too bad Sarge wouldn't let the culprits fight, I'd have loved to see that
god that would have been so great

but but
i was hoping we could show off the feather more....
fight sarge in the execution room
No Bolin totally can do both rock is super-effective against flying and fire
do we wanna afterparty and suffer ore
what is this "party" you speak of
but yeah if someone wants to post one i'm down. i just gotta take a break for a bit
i'm eating dinner if anyone wants to toss it up, or i can a bit later
I'm currently outside waiting for bus unfortunately
yeah feel free to toss something up since I'm on my way home myself
Oh man I missed a hell of a trial with work
OKAY im typing up a thing finally

yes let me hurt you one more time
i'm looking forward to it
oh yay, thanks for posting that!