Welcome to this week's deadland contact event! This one is likely to be a bit calmer than the last ones and it's anticipated to go 1 to 2 hours!
I do not trust you guys to not make it hectic anyway, but IN CONCEPT, yes.
Maybe characters can drag more people there once they notice what is going on!
yeah, once natalie confirms there are ghost shenanigans occurring she's probably going to yell out the door for any tourists nearby to head in
Dazai figured it out he's just taking this information the best he can
Here's when Waver kicks everyone out
That'll teach you to yell in his library, Natalie
Dazai can tie up Waver if necessary--
she's already seen enough naked people
if you tie him up she will whack him with her staff
it's too calm. let's please tie up waver
If I may make one request, it'd be good to keep the two machines to their two subthreads without splitting up too much! I know it's hard in the heat of an event but it'll make doing this in a timeline easier, haha
No worries if it doesn't always work this way
gotcha! do you want me to move my last comment anywhere?
Nope, it's cool, just for future reference!
I can have Kino go hang with Dazai and that machine if we want to balance this a bit better
That sounds good! Teamwork and sharing!
if you make a racket i cannot promise that i wont ask nick to add waver yelling “QUIET”
I can jump in after dazai reacts
cards getting checked on this train
ah woops, just saw the "don't splinter off into multiple threads" thing
I think I'll step out of this one then cuz i think it'll go smoother overall with 2 muns per reader for ooc purposes!
time for a sappy family moment
lovebakery i’m gonna be afk for a bit if you want to take over! she would’ve just wanted to get that out first
cloudatlas: let me know if there is a good point for Kino to add a message
because Dazai fam feels are happening haha
O h

Kino got a message from the other fam
Oh, you guys are using the same machine at the moment so this is one conversation kept in a single thread to avoid too much splintering and time paradoxes, haha
oh fair! but if you want to send a message BY ALL MEANS
Okay I'll go ahead and respond real quick!
but real quick - is there like, a limit to how much you want is to put in one tag, mods? what i’m thinking of is a few words so i wanted to check
lovebakery: actually if eli's afk mind if i joined in with oso, i think i know where that warning was going
i’m gonna slide in one last tag fjfncn because it seems important but then i gotta run
OKAY now i’m leaving for real
go ahead dazai cat thing needs building
I'll be ending this event at 9:30pm EST, so there are 40 minutes left to convey your information!
Does someone want to take the reply to
SORRY I WAS PUTTING TOGETHER A THING what do we wanna ask guys
I think Keith had a lodge question
let me know I'm trying to catch up now
hmmmm are there places we want the dead to check
actually i had a question i wanted to ask but idk if i wanted to jump in...
I'm trying to think of a place we want the dead to check but...
hopefully i tagged the right comment, i'm on flat
Alright, you'll get the two replies from the dead still but then the event will be over for today! Next week there'll be a busier one again!
Thank you guys for your participation as well!
The end comment is now posted, though it's nothing special this time.
Fun fact as an aside: only the diner article was written for Cartesio directly, the other two were real 1950s Nevada Newspaper articles adapted to fit the town.
dooooo we want another meeting since we didn't have one on tuesday
i'm eating dinner but i can toss one up after, unless someone wants to slide one up instead
(belatedly ty to the mods yes)
and yeah meeting sounds good