5 years ago
[work/mental health] I’m starting to really realize how much one of my former bosses damaged me...
latest #22
5 years ago
Alicia was a terrible boss. She was pushy, and entitled, and rude, and because she was head of Internal Audits she reveled in being intimidating and finding anything bad someone might be up to.
She was the same with her employees.
5 years ago
It says something that within six months of my starting in this office every other staff member left, at least one accepting a demotion to do so.
5 years ago
She’s been gone for three years now, retired, and I’m realizing she’s still affecting me.
5 years ago
She was the type of boss you couldn’t win with.
She wanted me to think outside the box, take initiative... but whenever I did, I was wrong, because I didn’t do exactly as she said.
5 years ago
But if I did exactly as she said, I was wrong, because I didn’t think outside the box and take initiative.
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
I became afraid to try, afraid to step out and offer opinions or solutions, afraid to even attempt to show initiative and try to anticipate what might be needed because even if it turned out it was needed, I’d have been wrong for “wasting time” before the assignment was given to me.
5 years ago
The last couple years with Ginny gave me back some of my confidence. Made me realize I deserved more than what I have, that I could do more. She fought to get me promoted, and when HR said no she fought to create a position I could promote into. With Alicia one moment I was great she didn’t know what she’d do without me, the next I wasn’t good enough.
5 years ago
Ginny encouraged me, pushed me to be ready for when she got HR to give her something for me one way or another (either a direct promotion or a position I could apply for). Getting that position was the last thing she did before she left.
5 years ago
I have an interview for it on Tuesday.
5 years ago
........And I’m so sick with anxiety because I can hear is Alicia telling me I’m not ready, not good enough. I’ve been applying to these promotional positions for a year now and I’ve only had a handful of interviews, and no job offers. I’m so scared I won’t get this somehow, despite my advantage of already knowing a lot about the job I’m applying for.
5 years ago
I can hear Ginny too, encouraging me. And there is a part of me that says, “I’ve got this.”
But I spent so much longer with Alicia telling me the opposite. I dunno, maybe I’m just hormonal today or something and having a hard time escaping the bad brain.
5 years ago
5 years ago
god i know this feel. not with a boss per se, but with a select few in general and it took me forever to realize that hey, maybe i don't suck, maybe they're just dicks who would bitch if the sky were blue
5 years ago
Heh. Yeah, she was definitely that sort, and I’ve told myself that constantly, but then I have days like this where her voice is all I can hear.
5 years ago
I know it’s likely just nerves over upcoming interview and likely hormones tossed in to screw with my head too.
5 years ago
:C it can be hard to tune that crap out. but for what it's worth it's probably nerves, and hormones can be tricky bastards
5 years ago
5 years ago
showsparrow: thanks man. It always helps to hear it from others.
5 years ago
'eeey no prob!
gremlin wife
5 years ago
Bad brain is the worst :c Especially post-emotional-abuse bad brain
gremlin wife
5 years ago
I have faith that you will do great though!
5 years ago
Nellasaur: Thanks! It always helps to hear.
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