your ghost host
5 years ago
I haven't been on plurk or around in ages but hey.
latest #21
5 years ago
5 years ago
omg you're alive
5 years ago
your ghost host
5 years ago
Koyuyu: Yes! Recovering from a stint sick followed by company coming to stay for some time my favourite auntie tho followed by a lot of upheavals at work (none of them BAD, all of them busy-making)
your ghost host
5 years ago
showsparrow: EYYY you are definitely getting a written apology and some candy next month
5 years ago
duuuuude no apology needed!
your ghost host
5 years ago
Backtags forever good enough?
your ghost host
5 years ago
you're still getting that apology though, I have a quota to meet-
5 years ago
'eeeeey backtag away!
5 years ago
also i might need your number again l-lol my phone imploded and is kind of a doorstop now
5 years ago
my old number transferred but all my contacts and stuff were lost. :I FUN STUFF
your ghost host
5 years ago
I'm excited to get back to tagging as this week calms down. 3 new people at work, 2 other people taking new positions, it's nutbar
5 years ago
beeeeeh i know this feel man
5 years ago
don't even worry about it, being an adult sucks sometimes
your ghost host
5 years ago
you know it better than most I think
your ghost host
5 years ago
The one real bummer is that my manager (who is lovely) is leaving for 4 months. One of my very nice and reliable coworkers is gonna manage in her stead for that time, and I'm sure she'll be great because she knows the job inside and out and is a doll, but having had really great and really terrible managers it's like "NO YOU CAN'T GO" when a good one appears
5 years ago
....OH YEAH, know this feel
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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