Achilles and his gold 阿基里斯如黃金般閃耀的榮耀 Hercules and his gifts 海克力斯與生俱來的天賦 Spiderman's control 蜘蛛人操縱蜘蛛的超能力 And Batman with his fists 還有蝙蝠俠打擊壞人的事蹟 And clearly I don't see myself upon that list 很顯然傳奇裡並沒有我的容身之處
She said "Where'd you wanna go? 她說:「你所嚮往的遠方在何處?」 How much you wanna risk? 「你願意承擔多大的風險?」 I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts 我在追尋的不是有著天生才賦的人 Some superhero 不是超級英雄 Some fairytale bliss 更不是總是美好的童話世界裡才會出現的人物。