your ghost host
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Back from visits, got "things I need to address" down to half, the rest tomorrow. Bed for now.
latest #17
5 years ago
5 years ago
your ghost host
5 years ago
Rain_Demi: it's been AGES, how's you???
your ghost host
5 years ago
Autistic_Ace: How's you, too, man?
5 years ago
Pretty good. A little tired, but that might be more from overextending/overexciting myself than anything going wrong (well, going wrong for me...)
5 years ago
5 years ago
Far too long in any case. I’m tired but doing okay. Spent holiday weekend learning how to be a fence judge at the horse park. How about yourself?
your ghost host
5 years ago
Autistic_Ace: You're a sweetheart, and I know this, but that sounds rather ominous. (LOL)
your ghost host
5 years ago
weefolk: Good to see you!
5 years ago
your ghost host
5 years ago
showsparrow: YOU LOVELY THING we need to scheme! I meant to get to your email tonight but my dad-person just got back from Scotland so everything got jangled
5 years ago
hey no worries man! and yes yes yes all the scheming!!
your ghost host
5 years ago
Rain_Demi: Spent the weekend playing D&D north in the province and trying to keep my very dear friend from getting too nervous about a job interview
your ghost host
5 years ago
also toomanydogs I'm terribly sorry I'm so slow to reply to KITT. That was also on the jangled docket
5 years ago
It's just that everyone ELSE keeps getting/being busy, and I can't help directly. |D
5 years ago
D&D sounds great, though!
5 years ago
Very cool!
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