for hrhreren's gonna be wanting to do either kill the king or save the day...I honestly don't know which one is more appealing to me or not
there's supposed to be a space there but I was typing fast
for the first, I think it'd be best for him since. I really, really doubt anyone's going to want to be the one to kill a kid. woops.
for the second, he's the type that always wants to be seen as a hero, so taking the biggest, most important job is what he naturally veers toward.
what would be funny is if he did that and fucked up terribly. he'll probably need a partner for the second. probably not the first, though.
I mistyped kill viero as save the world. lbr, this whole mission is gonna save the world, hopefully. that's the intent, at least.
I am thinking of signing Jon up for killing the king
I am thinking of trying to sign him up for killing Viero
look at jon being right and proper
you're right, child murder is wrong, which is exactly why eren should be the one to do it,