Hoggle wonders
15 years ago
if anyone has read the paper version of Entertainment Weekly this week?
latest #35
15 years ago
A co-worker said our show was in it. Argh - I feel so out of the loop. Need to plurk more, but stupid RL alwasy in the way!
15 years ago
i haven't either. It is good to see u around here tho!
WhimsyWooooo needs
15 years ago
to go to my mailbox and pick it up
CJ Dawn says
15 years ago
Hoggle! Good to see you!
CJ Dawn says
15 years ago
And yep, there's an article about our show! And it's teased on the front cover!
15 years ago
Hi ya'll!
15 years ago
Phew - um, she said something about our boys wanting to move on or something, and I got worried.
15 years ago
Oh lord, now I sound like fangirl lady from Thursday's ep - "our boys."
Supernatural_forever says
15 years ago
Hi Hoggle, how are you doing today, its been a while. (cozy)
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
liesl posted scans in a plurk, Hoggle
15 years ago
Hey SN-forever - I'm good. How's it going?
WhimsyWooooo shares
15 years ago
CK'sDarlin' says
15 years ago
Hey Hoggle! I haven't gotten my hard copy yet...hopefully today!
15 years ago
Ooh, thanks WW! Oh gulp. Why do I read these things? A br....ok, sorry - no spoilery. Hey Rap!
Panns says
15 years ago
Hi Hoggle! (bye)
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Hi Hoggle!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I have to read it again but I thought it was kind of a weird article. Kinda negative making it sound like Jared and Jensen want to the
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
show to end.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Maybe it's just me.
Deblu says
15 years ago
I bought the magazine today and there was no article on SPN???
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
WHAT?? It's the April 10th issue Deb.
Deblu says
15 years ago
I bought the wrong issue!! Oh well it had some article on villians and heroes that my son liked.
CJ Dawn says
15 years ago
I haven't read the actual article, but from what I gather Jared wants it to end before it gets stale, which is why they think next year
CJ Dawn says
15 years ago
might be a good time
CJ Dawn says
15 years ago
The quote I caught while glancing through the mag was something about not wanting Sam and Dean to be hunting when they're old men
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I re-read the article and it didn't seem as weird. Maybe I was having a blech day the first time I read it.
ocean says
15 years ago
What really struck me as odd is what Dawn O said about continuing the show...
CK'sDarlin' says
15 years ago
It seems that ignorant slut has finally seen the light! Now if she would just increase the budget so we can get some ROCK back! *kicks her*
15 years ago
Yeah, but she wants to continue it *after* Kripke and the boys leave. That's ridiculous.
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Exactly! Who would watch?
CK'sDarlin' says
15 years ago
She'll probably change to be 2 skanky teeny-bopper bimbos driving around in a pink Geo Tracker. Douchenozzle.
ocean says
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Dawn did not seem overly enthusiastic about keeping the show on. It sounded like she was forced into it.
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