6 years ago
[Skyrim] i have a headcanon about the dragonborn argonian i play
latest #9
6 years ago
why i picked argonian race? two things- one, underwater breathering so he never drowns
6 years ago
2, being dragonborn, being argonian won't prevent him from entering sovngarde after death... and any racist nords up there will just have to suck it up and bear it
6 years ago
and he's also the only argonian who can freely walk around anywhere in windhelm, and don't think he wouldn't rub it in racist nord faces every chance he gets
6 years ago
and his name? well, the argonian race, they're named by verbal type actions.. lifts her tail, swims any marshes, etc.
6 years ago
mine is... Fucks-You-Up
6 years ago
sooo, you know if he comes to your town, or walks into your bandit camp, you better watch out for him and try not to psis him off
6 years ago
"oh shit, who did you say is on his way to stop us.. fucks you up? ohhhh shit!" like the jack baur of skyrim
6 years ago
he's top of thieves guild, companion harbinger, the fucking archmage, king of dark brotherhood.. oh yeah, and dragonborn too, literally consumes dragon souls after killing them
6 years ago
i think after he hatched, parents took one look and was like, "alright, only one name suits this one.. fucks-you-up
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