Heng Chia
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
今天大班課零誤差的噓聲讓我瞭解到 一直以來我真的很幸運 因為身邊的大陸朋友 不論是在大學日本還是現在的同學 都願意尊重彼此的認同 沒有因為認知差異造成彼此間的隔閡 反正這個社會包容各種聲音 以多數輸出強國觀念這種想法才是可笑 你們不過也同樣是一群外來者 大家都是公平的 My cognition doesn't need your permission and it won't change even if you disagree with me. We all know it deeply in our heart. We have many things in common, but we are not the same.
6 years ago