6 years ago
So I'm not currently playing WoW, haven't for a while, but I just saw the box art for Battle for Azeroth and I LOVE the full circle throwback to the original Warcraft. It was the first game I ever bought and to see them return to it as they switch gears back to a focus on the Horde/Alliance war is an awesome tribute.
latest #7
6 years ago
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9c/Warcraft_-_Orcs_%26_Humans_Coverart.png <-- Original Warcraft box art for reference.
https://images.plurk.com/4pPpOtGm1SdwKOP4cZSYji.jpg <-- Battle for Azeroth box art
6 years ago
It’s awesome! I haven’t restarted the sub yet but you’ll need to watch the trailer if you haven’t yet
6 years ago
And also the shorts on the YouTube channel
6 years ago
So. Good.
6 years ago
there's other full circle-y things that i've noticed here and there in the videos... notably https://g.redditmedia.co... this posted on reddit shows anduin kicking in the door to lordaeron just like arthas did...
6 years ago
which really excited all the people who believe anduin is secretly arthas' son
6 years ago
Ugh, I have heard 'things' about Darnassus and I sorta don't want to watch any trailers X_X I also haven't kept up with anything that's been going on since mid Pandaria so I feel like I'd just be lost. Maybe I need to find one of those compilation things and just watch the story through... but what if I pick it back up, that would ruin the surprises!
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